I have recently been posting CURATED CONTEMPORANEOUS CASE STUDIES with the objective of developing real-time health care policy information and analysis.
The OPIOID CRISIS has been a real challenge absent any federal government leadership for state governments, public health agencies, hospitals, and the public.
So this post is to catch-up on the various threads out there since the initial case study:
CASE STUDY ON THE OPIOID CRISIS. “We still have lacked the insight that this is a crisis, a cataclysmic crisis” https://doctordidyouwashyourhands.com/2018/03/case-study-on-the-opioid-crisis-we-still-have-lacked-the-insight-that-this-is-a-crisis-a-cataclysmic-crisis/
And I think it will continue with various well intentioned initiatives but no evidenced-based platform.
“Surgeon General Jerome Adams is issuing a rare public health advisory on Thursday, calling for friends and family of people at risk for opioid overdoses to carry the OD-reversal medication naloxone. He likened the treatment to other livesaving interventions, such as knowing how to perform CPR or use an EpiPen.
The recommendation comes in the form of a surgeon general’s advisory, a tool used to draw attention to major public health issues. The last one, focused on drinking during pregnancy, was issued in 2005.
“What makes this one of those rare moments is we’re facing an unprecedented drug epidemic,” Adams told STAT in a phone interview Wednesday.
Tens of thousands of Americans are dying from drug overdoses each year, largely driven by opioids. While paramedics — and increasingly, police officers — carry naloxone, they often arrive too late for it to save someone’s life. In countless cases, family members and friends — often other people using drugs — have reported using naloxone to save an overdose victim, and the idea is that if more people have naloxone on hand, more people could be saved.
“It’s easy to use, it’s lifesaving, and it’s available throughout the country fairly easily,” Adams said.” (A)
“Dr. Nora Volkow has heard a frightening scenario play out around the country. People are administering naloxone to synthetic opioid drug users who have overdosed. But the antidote doesn’t work well. So they give another dose. And it’s only after multiple doses — four, five, even six times — that drug users finally come to their senses.
Naloxone is the only widely available drug to reverse opioid overdoses. But anecdotal reports of its limitations against synthetic opioids are on the rise. Spurred by that public health threat — as well as a booming commercial market for the antidote — drug companies, researchers, and health officials are eagerly eyeing the development of new treatments to augment the use of naloxone or, in some cases, potentially replace it.
“The strategies we’ve done in the past for reversing overdoses may not be sufficient,” Volkow, director of the National Institute for Drug Abuse, said in a recent speech at the 2018 National Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit. “We need to develop alternatives solutions to reversing overdoses.”..
“Naloxone seemed to be great for the older opioids,” Kuchera said. “But now that we’re encountering these nonmedical, ungodly [opioids] like carfentanil … we need to get with the times.” (B)
“Gov. Phil Murphy wants to spend $100 million to fight opioid addiction in New Jersey. But exactly how that money would be allocated is an open question.
The governor, speaking at a recovery house for people with drug addiction in Trenton on Tuesday, said the money would come from his proposed budget.
It would include $87 million on prevention, treatment and recovery, and another $13 million on new technology for treatment centers. The funds would go to, among other things, outpatient treatment.
But beyond that, further details were scant even though Murphy told reporters his administration had “taken a couple of months across all of our departments to do a deep dive” study about how to use state money to fight the opioid scourge.
“We must be strategic,” Murphy said. “We cannot just blindly throw money at the opioid problem.” (C)
“Gov. Phil Murphy has steered the ship of state away from many of former Gov. Chris Christie’s preferred destinations, reversing policies and ending programs in largely predictable fashion. That’s what happens when gubernatorial ideologies change so starkly. Murphy brings a very different governing philosophy to the big chair.
To his credit, however, Murphy hasn’t arrived in office hellbent on erasing every piece of his predecessor’s legacy — in contrast to a certain current occupant of the White House. For instance Murphy hasn’t derailed one of the last crusades of Christie’s tenure — combating the opioid addiction epidemic. In fact, Murphy wants to enhance it. On Tuesday he unveiled his own $100 million plan dedicated to the crisis.
The initiative in many respects serves as a continuation of Christie’s efforts, but don’t expect Murphy to characterize it that way. He won’t go that far in acknowledging previous work. Murphy’s approach will also include some key differences…
In general, however, under Murphy officials will look more toward developing community-based outpatient services and maximizing efforts to connect patients with those services…
While this plan unfolds, another piece of the opioid puzzle is expansion of the medicinal marijuana program and possible legalization of pot. Wider access to cannabis could serve to mute the opioid crisis by providing patients with less addictive pain-relief alternatives.
Let’s just hope the analytics offer up the right solutions.” (D)
“A particularly heartbreaking aspect of New Jersey’s opioid epidemic is the growing need for effective care for pregnant women, new mothers, and newborn babies struggling to break free of a dependence on painkillers, alcohol or illicit drugs like heroin.
Yesterday, the state Department of Health launched a public education campaign to increase awareness about these painful facts, connect healthcare providers with proven treatment protocols for babies born exposed to these drugs, and help pregnant women who are under the influence of opiates learn about and connect with healthier options before they give birth…
But as the opioid crisis swells, so does its impact on maternal health: Since 2008, New Jersey cases of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) — which occurs when infants are exposed to drugs or alcohol in the womb — more than doubled to 685 babies in 2016, according to state statistics. Nationwide, there were enough NAS babies in 2012 for one to be born every 25 minutes.
“Babies that are exposed to drugs in the womb are at risk of prematurity, birth defects and withdrawal symptoms such as seizures and vomiting,” said health commissioner Dr. Shereef Elnahal. “By encouraging pregnant women to seek help, their addiction can be treated to reduce the impact to their unborn child.” (E)
“California lawmakers advanced 10 opioid-related bills Tuesday in an effort to address the drug abuse crisis in the state, including a proposal that would let California share prescription records with other states.
Half of the bills passed by a legislative committee would increase monitoring or make it easier to track opioid prescriptions to help police and doctors spot problematic prescriptions. Others would place limits on doctors prescribing the addictive drugs to children or increase access to addiction treatments…
Low’s AB1751 would allow California’s justice department to share prescription records with other states. It’s aimed at making it easier to spot patients who cross state lines to get more prescriptions for opioid drugs.
Opponents are concerned the bill doesn’t do enough to safeguard patients’ privacy. The bill limits data sharing to states that meet certain security standards, but Samantha Corbin, a lobbyist representing the Electronic Frontier Foundation, said the requirements don’t provide enough protection for patients.
Megan Allred of the California Medical Association, a trade group that represents doctors, raised concerns about many of the bills and echoed the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s worries about privacy.
The proposal passed out of the committee unanimously.
Another bill, AB2741, passed Tuesday by the committee would limit doctors from prescribing more than five days’ worth of opioid drugs to minors unless it is medically necessary. The bill also requires doctors to discuss risks posed by the addictive drugs with children and their caretakers and requires a guardian to sign a consent form.
“Overprescribing of opioid medications has directly contributed to the addiction crisis,” said Autumn Burke, a Los Angeles Democrat who authored the bill.
The California Medical Association opposes the legislation because it doesn’t give doctors enough discretion, Allred said.” (F)
“Governor Scott Walker plans to sign two bills into law aimed at opioid abuse prevention.
The first bill, Assembly Bill 906, includes creating grant programs related to drug trafficking, evidence-based substance abuse prevention, juvenile and family treatment courts, and drug treatment for inmates of county jails. It also creates two attorney positions in the Department of justice to assist the division of criminal investigation in the Wausau and Appleton field offices, and to assist district attorneys in the prosecution of drug-related offenses.
The second bill, Assembly Bill 907, includes continuing education in prescribing controlled substances for health care practitioners, maintenance and detoxification treatment provided by physician assistants, and advanced practice nurse prescribers. It also requires school boards to provide instruction about drug abuse awareness and prevention, and includes providing $50,000 of funding to the Department of Children and Families to develop and maintain online training resources for social services workers who deal with substance abuse-related cases.” (G)
“New York made history this past week when it became the first state to work out a deal to hold the pharmaceutical industry responsible for at least some of the financial costs of the deadly and growing opioid drug epidemic.
Those costs have thus far been borne by taxpayers, as people addicted to powerful prescription painkillers, heroin, fentanyl and other opioids cycle in and out of ambulances, emergency rooms, jails, courts, rehabilitation centers and social service programs. In 2016, more than 3,000 New Yorkers overdosed on the drugs and died.
But the passage Saturday of the Opioid Stewardship Fund in the 2018-19 state budget will now require opioid manufacturers and distributors to pay into a $100 million annual fund designed to cover the costs of prevention, treatment and recovery programs. It was cheered by substance abuse providers and addiction recovery advocates, who say it’s only right that the industry which helped create the crisis should help pay for it.
“When BP polluted our ocean they had to pay for the cleanup,” said Stephanie Campbell, executive director of Friends of Recovery – New York. “I would suggest that the opioid industry has polluted our environment. They have contributed to the flooding of the market with opioids, which have proven addictive and deadly, and made incredible profits while doing it.”… (H)
“Jessica Hulsey Nickel had only just begun to speak at a House hearing last month when a man in the back corner of the committee room stood, unfurling a paper banner and shouting toward the witness stand.
“I would like to know how much money the Addiction Policy Forum has received from the pharmaceutical industry,” yelled Randy Anderson, a well-known addiction treatment and recovery advocate in Minneapolis. “We’ve asked the question and no one will tell us. I figured I’d fly here today and ask.”
A congressman tried to gavel Anderson quiet. Committee aides scurried to fetch police. Nickel — the target of Anderson’s protests and Addiction Policy Forum’s president and CEO — ignored the interruption and continued with her testimony about legislation that would reshape federal laws regulating addiction treatment. When the hearing finished two hours later, no one besides Anderson had raised questions about potential conflicts of interest.
Despite Anderson’s difficulty in getting her attention, Nickel’s three-year-old nonprofit is increasingly in the spotlight, both for its high-profile advocacy work and its close ties with drug makers. The vast majority of the group’s funding comes from pharmaceutical companies, some of whose executives sit on its advisory board. Overshadowed by APF’s funding sources, however, is a more striking connection: Until last fall, Nickel was concurrently working as a lobbyist for Alkermes, the maker of a drug used to treat opioid addiction, while heading the nonprofit.” (I)
“In 2016, more than 40 percent of opioid overdose deaths in the U.S. involved a prescription opioid.
So hospitals around the country are thinking hard about whether they should be prescribing as many opioids as they do. Geisinger, a health service organization serving patients in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, has managed to reduce its prescriptions by more than 50 percent over the past few years.
Back in 2012, Geisinger realized its patients were not really satisfied with the way their pain was being controlled. Health workers looked through the electronic database and realized that, in some cases, doctors were prescribing more opioids than their patients needed. Paradoxically, that can sometimes make the pain worse.
Michael Evans, the chief pharmacy officer at Geisinger, said the organization showed those doctors what they had found.
“And, most of the time, the reaction from the prescribers is, ‘Wow, I had no idea I was prescribing like that,’” he said.
The pharmacists worked with doctors to come up with better ways of treating pain, depending on the cause.
In cases of patients with lower back pain, physical therapy proved more effective than medication. And when doctors determined painkillers were a necessity, they went through a longer list of alternatives before prescribing opioids.
It turned out, a lot of patients didn’t need opioids after all. (J)
“Hospitals in New Hampshire have agreed to kick in $50 million toward the state’s opioid epidemic efforts, just the latest example of hospitals taking significant steps toward addressing the crisis.
The funding will be invested over the next five years into a number of the state’s opioid programs, Gov. Chris Sununu announced Friday.
“It is the single largest secured financial investment the state has ever seen in funding substance abuse disorder programs,” Sununu said.
Sununu told the Associated Press that the alliance is a “great example of planning in the long-term” and “simply not accepting the way we used to do it.”
It makes sense for hospitals and other providers to take the lead on combatting the opioid crisis since they’re on the front lines of patient care, Joseph Pepe, CEO of Catholic Medical Center in Manchester, told the outlet.
“We understand how essential it is to invest in programs to address substance abuse disorder,” Pepe said. “By working together, like we are today, we can make a life-saving difference.” (K)
“In response to the opioid overdose crisis, federal Medicare officials are considering new rules that would discontinue payment for long-term, high-dose opioid therapy beginning in 2019. The vote on the new rules takes place Monday.
This is an ill-advised approach. Currently, some 1.6 million people receive opioid medication through Medicare equivalent to 90 mg per day of morphine or more. Sharp cutbacks in doses will result in hundreds of thousands of men and women with chronic pain developing withdrawal, craving and poor pain control.
While I too have deep concern about the opioid epidemic gripping our country, this outrageously short-sighted plan by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has the potential to cause grave harm. It could drive hundreds of thousands of people to extreme measures to avoid unintended and profoundly miserable outcomes.
Moreover, the proposal doesn’t address the real cause of most opioid overdose deaths. Earlier on in the opioid epidemic, most overdose deaths and emergency department visits resulted among chronic pain patients who were taking prescription opioids. But since then, the opioid epidemic has rapidly transitioned into an illicit drug problem.
Yet the dose-reduction proposal is aimed at this old problem, and seems blind to the current reality. To be clear: Drastic dose reductions for patients who are physically dependent on opioid therapy too often causes individuals to turn in desperation to far more dangerous and addictive illicit drugs like fentanyl and heroin.
We must do all we can to prevent individuals from developing addiction to these street drugs. Heroin and fentanyl are readily available, inexpensive, highly purified, look identical to prescription painkillers, and are peddled the same way pizzas are delivered.”
In my state of North Carolina and others around the nation, the situation is rapidly deteriorating, with far more people overdosing and dying from street-purchased opioids than from prescription painkillers.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain, the de facto standard for safe opioid practice in our country, recommends that prescribers “should avoid increasing dosage to 90 mg of morphine or equivalent (MME) or more per day or carefully justify a decision to titrate dosage to 90 MME or more per day.” The new proposal flies in the face of these expert recommendations by mandating lower dosages, rather than allowing doctors to make reasoned decisions.
The CDC Guideline also contains extensive safety measures, widely agreed upon though largely ignored by prescribers. (L)
“Instead, we need a rational drug policy both to rein in the excessive prescribing of opioids and to help the people who are already dependent on them.
First, we need a national prescription database. The state-level databases that we have now are not enough. They allow clinicians to identify patients who “doctor shop” and are high consumers of opioids, but patients can still fill their prescriptions in nearby states, and no one is the wiser.
We also have to deal with doctors who contribute to the epidemic. The Drug Enforcement Administration, using that national prescription database, should identify clinicians, particularly those who aren’t pain specialists, who are outliers in their opioid prescribing patterns, review their treatments and clamp down on inappropriate and excessive prescribing.
This is tricky; we do not want to discourage doctors from adequately treating pain out of fear of legal sanction. But those who adhere to current standards of care should have little to fear.
Finally, reasonable drug policy has to take account of the fact that opioid-dependent individuals have different levels of tolerance, which means there cannot be a one-size-fits-all guideline, like the Medicare proposal, to limit prescribing.
To be sure, there is solid evidence that nonopioid treatments are safer and just as effective as opioids for certain types of chronic pain — and it’s critical that we improve pain education for all health care professionals so this becomes common knowledge.
But for those who are dependent on opioids, doctors must have the ability to adjust treatment to the neurobiological and clinical reality. The fact is that an opioid-dependent brain requires considerable time to adapt to any change in treatment.
Any opioid policy that ignores this will not just throw an untold number of people into withdrawal and misery; it could well unleash a synthetic opioid epidemic of staggering lethality.” (M)
“The new Director of the CDC…” called the opioid-driven surge in drug overdose deaths “the public health crisis of our time,” and he stressed the importance of getting treatment for addicts and enhancing the CDC’s tracking of the epidemic. “We will help bring this epidemic to its knees,” he said.”” (N)
“It took several months and a team of half a dozen doctors, nurses and therapists to help Kim Brown taper off the opioid painkillers she’d been on for two years.
Brown, 57, had been taking the pills since a back injury in 2010. It wasn’t until she met Dr. Dennis McManus, a neurologist who specializes in managing pain without drugs, that she learned she had some control over her pain.
“That’s when life changed,” she said.
During a 12-week series of appointments at McManus’ clinic in Peoria, Ill., Brown learned new ways to prevent and cope with pain, as she gradually reduced her opioid doses.
Roughly a third of Americans live with chronic pain, and many of them become dependent on opioids prescribed to treat it. But there’s a growing consensus among pain specialists that a low-tech approach focused on lifestyle changes can be more effective.
This kind of treatment can be more expensive — and less convenient — than a bottle of pills. But pain experts say it can save money over the long term by helping patients get off addictive medications and improving their quality of life.
She has just learned how to manage life with it.” (O)
“I’m feeling human again, thanks.
After three weeks of living in opioid hell – of constantly being sick to my stomach, of throwing up, of having the shakes and feeling depressed and crying – my body and brain are back to normal.
I’m no longer high and messed up on painkillers.
I’m no longer trying to withdraw from them.
And I have a new, up-close-and-personal understanding of the country’s opioid epidemic and how easy it is for a 70-something guy like me to become addicted to potent pain pills.
My opioid nightmare started on March 13 when I had my left knee replaced. The surgery went fine, but with knee replacement all the pain comes during recovery.
When I was released from the hospital on March 15 my doctor wrote me a prescription for oxycodone.
Fifty pills. Two every four hours at first, then one every 12 hours.
Hello opioid addiction.”…
I now understand how powerful and dangerous opioids are. And how important it is to have a loving family at home to take care of you when you’re taking them or trying to get off them.
During the last few days I’ve run into several other guys who had their knees replaced.
What they said made me feel kind of stupid.
One guy said he never touched oxycodone. He took Tylenol 3, which has codeine but is less potent.
When I ran into George Thomas, the retired foreman of my father’s ranch, he told me he had had both of his knees replaced.
When I told him I was still recovering from opiates, he said, “I didn’t take anything.”
OK, well.
I’m not as tough as old George.
I know opioids are valuable weapons against pain, and that before they were over-prescribed to help create the current crisis they were often under-prescribed.
But if I have to have my other knee replaced, I’m going to take Tylenol 3 and keep the oxycodone in the box.” (P)
“Experts have proposed using medical marijuana to help Americans struggling with opioid addiction. Now, two studies suggest that there is merit to that strategy.
The studies, published Monday in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, compared opioid prescription patterns in states that have enacted medical cannabis laws with those that have not. One of the studies looked at opioid prescriptions covered by Medicare Part D between 2010 and 2015, while the other looked at opioid prescriptions covered by Medicaid between 2011 and 2016.
The researchers found that states that allow the use of cannabis for medical purposes had 2.21 million fewer daily doses of opioids prescribed per year under Medicare Part D, compared with those states without medical cannabis laws. Opioid prescriptions under Medicaid also dropped by 5.88% in states with medical cannabis laws compared with states without such laws, according to the studies.
“This study adds one more brick in the wall in the argument that cannabis clearly has medical applications,” said David Bradford, professor of public administration and policy at the University of Georgia and a lead author of the Medicare study.” (Q)
“Human resource departments should be a first line of defense in dealing with the opioid crisis, and more employers need to do a better job in readying assistance for workers who may be addicted to opioids or other substances, a group of health care experts urged.” (R)
“With deaths from opioid overdose rising steeply in recent years, and a large segment of the population reporting knowing someone who has been addicted to prescription painkillers, the breadth of the opioid crisis should come as no surprise, affecting people across all incomes, ages, and regions. About four in ten people addicted to opioids are covered by private health insurance and Medicaid covers a similarly large share.
Private insurance covers nearly 4 in 10 non-elderly adults with opioid addiction
The cost of treating opioid addiction and overdose has risen, even as opioid prescription use has fallen among people with large employer coverage…
We find that opioid prescription use and spending among people with large employer coverage increased for several years before reaching a peak in 2009. Since then, use of and spending on prescription opioids in this population has tapered off and is at even lower levels than it had been more than a decade ago. The drop-off in opioid prescribing frequency since 2009 is seen across people with diagnoses in all major disease categories, including cancer, but the drop-off is pronounced among people with complications from pregnancy or birth, musculoskeletal conditions, and injuries.
Meanwhile, though, the cost of treating opioid addiction and overdose – stemming from both prescription and illicit drug use – among people with large employer coverage has increased sharply, rising to $2.6 billion in 2016 from $0.3 billion 12 years earlier, a more than nine-fold increase.” (S)
“Much as the role of the addictive multibillion-dollar painkiller OxyContin in the opioid crisis has stirred controversy and rancor nationwide, so it has divided members of the wealthy and philanthropic Sackler family, some of whom own the company that makes the drug.
In recent months, as protesters have begun pressuring the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and other cultural institutions to spurn donations from the Sacklers, one branch of the family has moved aggressively to distance itself from OxyContin and its manufacturer, Purdue Pharma. The widow and one daughter of Arthur Sackler, who owned a related Purdue company with his two brothers, maintain that none of his heirs have profited from sales of the drug. The daughter, Elizabeth Sackler, told The New York Times in January that Purdue Pharma’s involvement in the opioid epidemic was “morally abhorrent to me.”
Arthur died eight years before OxyContin hit the marketplace. His widow, Jillian Sackler, and Elizabeth Sackler, who is Jillian’s step-daughter, are represented by separate public relations firms and have successfully won clarifications and corrections from media outlets for suggesting that sales of the potent opioid enriched Arthur Sackler or his family.
But an obscure court document sheds a different light on family history — and on the campaign by Arthur’s relatives to preserve their image and legacy. It shows that the Purdue family of companies made a nearly $20 million payment to the estate of Arthur Sackler in 1997 — two years after OxyContin was approved, and just as the pill was becoming a big seller. As a result, though they do not profit from present-day sales, Arthur’s heirs appear to have benefited at least indirectly from OxyContin.” (T)
“In 2015, when they unveiled the city’s plan to battle opioid-related deaths, Mayor Bill de Blasio and his wife, Chirlane McCray, said that from that day on, New Yorkers would be able to get the overdose-reversing drug naloxone at participating pharmacies without a prescription.
“Anyone who fears they will one day find their child, spouse or sibling collapsed on the floor and not breathing now has the power to walk into a neighborhood pharmacy and purchase the medication that can reverse that nightmare,” Ms. McCray said, with the mayor by her side.
But three years later, an examination by The New York Times has found that of the 720 pharmacies on the city’s list of locations that provide the drug, only about a third actually had it and would dispense it without a prescription. The list is used on the city’s website, the NYC Health Map, the Stop OD NYC app and when someone calls 311.
Phone calls placed to every pharmacy on the list last month found compliance with the program to be spotty, at best.
In the Bronx, which is battling a surge in heroin use and where more people died of opioid-related overdoses than in any other borough in 2016, only about a quarter of the more than 100 pharmacies on the list had the drug and followed the protocol. Requests for it were often met with bewilderment.” (U)
(A) In rare advisory, surgeon general urges public to carry overdose-reversal medication, by ANDREW JOSEPH, https://www.statnews.com/2018/04/05/surgeon-general-advisory-naloxone/
(B) The next naloxone? Companies, academics search for better overdose-reversal drugs, by MAX BLAU, https://www.statnews.com/2018/04/10/next-naloxone-overdose-reversal-drugs/
(C) Murphy wants to spend $100M to fight opioid addiction (but none on Christie-like ads), by Matt Arco, http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2018/04/phil_murphy_wants_to_spend_100m_to_fight_opioid_ad.html
(D) EDITORIAL: A different take on opioid crisis, https://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/opinion/editorials/2018/04/05/editorial-different-take-opioid-crisis/33552363/
(E) Rise in Opioid-Exposed Newborns in NJ Prompts State Awareness Campaign, http://www.njspotlight.com/stories/18/04/09/rise-in-opioid-exposed-newborns-in-nj-prompts-state-awareness-campaign/
(F) California lawmakers advance measures to curb opioid crisis, by Sophia Bollag, http://www.kcra.com/article/california-lawmakers-advance-measures-to-curb-opioid-crisis/19736309
(G) Gov. Walker to sign bills addressing opioid crisis, http://www.wsaw.com/content/news/Gov-Walker-to-sign-bills-addressing-opioid-crisis-479088493.html
(H) N.Y. gets pharma to pay up amid opioid epidemic, but concerns linger, by Bethany Bump, https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/NY-gets-pharma-to-pay-up-amid-opioid-epidemic-12802636.php
(I) With the drug industry as its partner, an addiction policy group invites tough questions, by LEV FACHER, https://www.statnews.com/2018/04/05/drug-industry-addiction-policy-forum/
(J) How a Pa. health system reduced opioid prescriptions by more than half, by Alan Yu, https://whyy.org/articles/how-a-pa-health-system-reduced-opioid-prescriptions-by-more-than-half/
(K) New Hampshire hospitals take aim at the opioid epidemic, invest $50M in state initiatives, https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/hospitals-health-systems/new-hampshire-hospitals-take-aim-at-opioid-epidemic-invest-50m-state?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWVRKa1ltUmxZV0kxTWpabCIsInQiOiJRbUJKN29ubnc4aWp5YytEYWRBREk3YUdjNUozQWJsMmRBNEJXSVk3c2V6WWVKeFc4ZGRsMEUrT2QyendwTGtvS1p1OEhDSmZUTndMaFVTbkZneEgyTHFkNVk3VXNOcmQxNFwvbjNnc09IcU1oQmxDMFYwSXVFMlh2Z01HdW9makEifQ%3D%3D&mrkid=654508
(L) New rules could worsen the opioid crisis, not help it, by LARRY GREENBLATT, http://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/381058-new-rules-could-worsen-the-opioid-crisis-not-help-it
(M) Ordering Five Million Deaths Online, by Richard A. Friedman, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/04/opinion/carfentanil-fentanyl-opioid-crisis.html
(N) CDC director pledges to bring opioid epidemic “to its knees”, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cdc-director-pledges-to-bring-opioid-epidemic-to-its-knees/
(O) For chronic pain, a change in habits can beat opioids for relief, by Christine Herman, https://whyy.org/npr_story_post/for-chronic-pain-a-change-in-habits-can-beat-opioids-for-relief/
(P) Conservative columnist: My personal trip through opioid hell and back, by Michael Reagan, http://www.nj.com/opinion/index.ssf/2018/04/the_story_of_my_personal_trip_through_opioid_hell.html
(Q) Medicare, Medicaid Opioid Scripts Decline in Medical Marijuana States, by Judy George, https://www.medpagetoday.com/neurology/opioids/72105
(R) The Opioid Discussion: HR departments must do more to assist opioid-addicted employees A panel presented by NJBIZ, by Vince Calio, http://www.njbiz.com/article/20180402/NJBIZ01/180409998/the-opioid-discussion-hr-departments-must-do-more-to-assist-opioidaddicted-employees
(S) A look at how the opioid crisis has affected people with employer coverage, by Cynthia Cox, Matthew Rae and Bradley Sawyer, https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/brief/a-look-at-how-the-opioid-crisis-has-affected-people-with-employer-coverage/#item-start
(T) Sacklers Who Disavow OxyContin May Have Benefited From It, by David Armstrong, https://www.propublica.org/article/sacklers-who-disavow-oxycontin-may-have-benefited-from-it?utm_source=STAT+Newsletters&utm_campaign=431b02b011-MR&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_8cab1d7961-431b02b011-149527969
(U) Overdose Antidote Is Supposed to Be Easy to Get. It’s Not, by ANNIE CORREAL, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/12/nyregion/overdose-antidote-naloxone-investigation-hard-to-buy.html
“The opioid crisis has cost the U.S. $1 trillion since 2001, according to Altarum, a nonprofit health research firm. Those costs have been increasing more rapidly over the past few years, and Altarum projects they’ll grow by another $500 billion just by 2020.
By the numbers:
Most of that $1 trillion comes from lost wages, productivity and tax revenue, Altarum said.
The health care system directly bore about a quarter of the total financial burden — $215 billion — largely from emergency treatment of overdoses.
The human cost: Roughly 64,000 people died of drug overdoses in 2016, driven by a recent surge in deaths from fentanyl, heroin and prescription opioids — making today’s addiction crisis worse than the HIV epidemic at its peak.
Between the lines: “Lost wages and productivity” can seem like a nebulous cost, but it’s a good way to think about the ripple effects of this crisis beyond the people who die from it. When 116 people per day are dying from opioid-related overdoses, at an average age of just 41, their “lost wages and productivity” are a partial measure of the hole that’s left in their families and their communities.” (A)
“The omnibus bill adds $3.3 billion to address the opioid and mental health crisis in fiscal year 2018, with a focus on public health efforts. Here are some of the big programs:
$1.4 billion will go to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, including $1 billion for a new State Opioid Response Grant program and a $160 million increase in the Mental Health Block Grant
$500 million for the National Institutes of Health for more opioid addiction research
$350 million to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for opioid overdose prevention, surveillance, and improving state prescription drug monitoring programs
$415 million for the Health Resources and Services Administration to, among other efforts, improve access to addiction treatment in rural and other underserved areas
$100 million to the Administration for Children and Families to help children whose parents misuse drugs
An additional $299.5 million to the Department of Justice’s anti-opioid grant funding
An additional $500 million to the Department of Veterans Affairs for mental health programs
An additional $94 million to Food and Drug Administration efforts to inspect mail for illicit drugs
All of this is on top of the $500 million in fiscal year 2018 approved in the 21st Century Cures Act to combat the opioid epidemic.
The concern here, as usual, is that even this large commitment of money is not enough. When Congress first announced its spending deal — to add $6 billion over two years to combat the opioid crisis — earlier this year, Sarah Wakeman, the medical director at the Massachusetts General Hospital Substance Use Disorder Initiative, told me that “[i]t’s hard to imagine $6 billion being enough, especially when you think about the annual budget for other illnesses like HIV, which is $32 billion.”
Any increase is, of course, welcome. But when dealing with one of the worst public health crises in history, Congress will have to go really big — and it’s just not there yet.” (B)
“President Donald Trump, targeting the U.S. opioid epidemic, called again on Monday for the execution of drug dealers, a proposal that so far has gained little support in Congress, amid criticism from some drug abuse and criminal justice experts.
At an event in Manchester, New Hampshire, Trump unveiled an anti-opioid abuse plan, including his death penalty recommendation and one for tougher sentencing laws for drug dealers…,
The White House did not offer examples of when it would be appropriate to seek the death penalty for drug dealers and referred further questions to the Justice Department.” (C)
“On Monday, President Donald Trump unveiled his latest plan to address the opioid epidemic, once again suggesting the death penalty for drug dealers.
“We can have all the blue ribbon committees we want, but if we don’t get tough on the drug dealers, we’re wasting our time,” he said at a New Hampshire event to announce the White House’s Initiative to Stop Opioid Abuse. “Just remember that: We’re wasting our time. And that toughness includes the death penalty.”
Though the plan includes initiatives to increase access to treatment and reduce the flow of drugs, Trump’s speech focused on cracking down on drug dealers. As he said, “I love tough guys—we need tough guys.” But the president’s initiative overlooks the glaring reality that drug dealers and drug users are often the same people, selling drugs to feed their own addictions. “I think it reflects a lack of a broader understanding of the factors in this crisis,” said Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) in a statement. “Law enforcement have been the first people to tell us we can’t enforce our way out of this.”….
Critics say that the plan is yet another example of the president talking a big game when it comes to opioids but not following up with action. Trump did not call for more funding for the epidemic even though paying for the plans’ provisions would likely far exceed the $6 billion the administration budgeted to address the epidemic over the next two years. “Policy without budget is just hot air,” Humphreys said. While Trump has repeatedly promised to address the epidemic, his actions suggest otherwise: His budget requests have included cuts to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, Medicaid, and the Office of National Drug Control Policy.
Still, Trump assured the audience he was prioritizing the issue. “I don’t want to leave at the end of seven years and have this problem,” Trump said. “We’re gonna solve it with brains, we’re gonna solve it with resolve, we’re gonna solve with toughness. Toughness is the thing that they most fear.” (D)
“President Trump walked through core elements of his administration’s three-pronged attack on the opioids epidemic during a visit to New Hampshire, while simultaneously pushing for voter support in the next election.
“This is about winning a very, very tough problem … I don’t want to leave at the end of 7 years and have this problem,” he said.
The president declared the opioid epidemic a public health emergency in October, but has been criticized for not offering tangible support for it….
Trump framed his border wall plan as part of the opioid fight, saying it was needed “to keep the damn drugs out.”
Similarly, eliminating “sanctuary cities,” another frequent Trump target, is critical to “stopping the drug addiction crisis.”
The president’s comments directly addressing the opioid crisis focused primarily on law enforcement.
“Whether you are a dealer or doctor or trafficker or a manufacturer, if you break the law and illegally pedal these deadly poisons, we will find you, we will arrest you and we will hold you accountable,” he said to booming applause.” (E)
“President Trump spoke Monday of using federal prosecutors to pursue “major litigation” against drug manufacturers alleged to have played a role in creating a nationwide epidemic of opioid abuse.
Speaking in New Hampshire at the White House’s rollout of a national opioids strategy, the president expanded upon a Department of Justice release last month in which Attorney General Jeff Sessions pledged to “hold accountable those whose illegality has cost us billions of taxpayer dollars.”
“Our Department of Justice is looking very seriously into bringing major litigation against some of these drug companies,” Trump said. “We will bring it at a federal level. Some states are already bringing it, but we are thinking about bringing it at a very high federal level, and we will do a job.”
DOJ filed a statement of interest on March 1 in a federal court in Ohio, asking the judge collectively overseeing hundreds of opioid-related lawsuits to allow federal lawyers 30 days to decide whether the United States would participate in the legal proceedings.
Manufacturers, including Purdue, Endo Pharmaceuticals, Insys, Janssen, and Teva, have faced scrutiny and often aggressive legal action from state and local governments seeking compensation for what many plaintiffs allege are the costs resulting from the companies’ disingenuous marketing tactics. In 2006, Purdue and several high-ranking executives paid a collective $635 million in fines pertaining to the marketing of its opioid painkiller, OxyContin, which understated the drug’s addictiveness…
The president also name-checked two drug companies that manufacture various forms of the overdose-reversal drug naloxone: Adapt Pharma, which makes the nasally administered Narcan, and Kaleo, which makes Evzio, an automatic injector that has drawn scrutiny for its price tag but drew congratulations from Trump for having distributed more than 300,000 units for free.” (F)
“The U.S. Department of Justice plans to hold providers accountable per a new large-scale effort to tackle the opioid crisis, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein reiterated here Wednesday.
Addressing the annual policy conference sponsored by America’s Health Insurance Plans, Rosenstein said the new opioids task force announced by Attorney General Jeff Sessions last week will hold everyone accountable; he then specifically cited physicians.
The proliferation of prescription painkillers, including opioids, has countered the ethos of “do no harm,” Rosenstein said, noting that the average American life expectancy has decreased along with the 21st century opioid spread — after nearly doubling over a century. “These drugs have caused a lot of collateral damage,” Rosenstein said, including costing American healthcare more than $1 trillion this century.
In addition to the Task Force, Rosenstein cited as another solution the Justice Department’s involvement with the new Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement team; it has been established in large part to counter the flow of painkillers, especially synthetics such as fentanyl, from foreign countries into the U.S.
“We ought to all be about prevention,” he said, citing over-prescription as a major cause of the opioids crisis.
Rosenstein asked insurance companies to utilize their monitoring systems to identify patients receiving too many painkillers and those receiving them for conditions that don’t warrant them. “We recognize that you have a financial incentive” to limit prescriptions, he noted.
Rosenstein also encouraged providers, insurers and others to follow the CDC’s 2016 opioid guidelines…
“The pharmaceutical industry is almost completely responsible for this epidemic,” Fugh-Berman said, citing misleading advertising and their practice of hiring “thought leaders” to shame providers into prescribing more opioids. These individuals told physicians they were “torturing our patients” by not issuing painkillers whenever they complained of pain.
Pharmaceutical companies “misused” medical literature by consistently citing small-scale studies and research letters as evidence for supporting opioid prescriptions, she said. They also published ghostwritten articles in medical and consumer publications, and launched disease awareness campaigns. In addition, they funneled money to medical advocacy groups, including the U.S. Pain Foundation ($2.9 million during 2012-2017) and the American Academy of Pain Medicine ($1.2 million) to promulgate messages such as “restricting opioids in any way disadvantages pain patients” and “the needs of patients with [opioid use disorder] must be balanced with the needs of pain patients.” (G)
“Public health experts also warned that the amount of funding included in the spending plan for the opioid crisis may not meet need. Congress set aside more than $4 billion to be split among several opioid initiatives, including for law enforcement and additional research.
That is just a drop in the bucket, though, compared to what is needed to fully mobilize against the drug addiction epidemic, according to an article from the Associated Press. A recent report from the White House estimates that the opioid epidemic cost more than $500 billion in 2015…
In response, states are stepping up to fill the gaps, according to the article. Ohio Gov. John Kasich estimates that the state is spending $1 billion a year on opioid programs, while New Jersey has put $200 million toward combating the crisis.” (H)
“The president went on at length about his preposterous proposal to fight the scourge of drugs by executing drug dealers — an idea that many experts say would not stand up in court and would do little to end this epidemic. He also reprised his cockamamie idea to build a wall along the nation’s southern border, arguing that it would “keep the damn drugs out,” and accused so-called sanctuary cities of releasing “illegal immigrants and drug dealers, traffickers and gang members back into our communities.”
It was Mr. Trump playing his greatest “law and order” hits — as usual, full of sound and fury but signifying nothing.
Mr. Trump seems so enamored with autocrats and strongmen that he wants the United States to imitate governments like China and the Philippines by executing drug dealers, claiming such countries “don’t have a drug problem” because of their brutality. This is patently absurd. While it is hard to analyze the experience of many of these countries because they do not collect and publish reliable data about substance use, experts say it is clear that they have not eliminated drug abuse or the crime that often accompanies it. More broadly speaking, many scholars have concluded that there is no good evidence that capital punishment deters crime.” (I)
“Republican and Democratic governors don’t agree on much in the healthcare space but when it comes to opioids there is consensus: Real dollars are needed.
Governors pressed senators for more funding to help tackle the opioid epidemic, as well as flexibility for states in tailoring spending to suit their specific needs, during a hearing of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee on Thursday.
Gov. Larry Hogan (R-Md.) thanked Congress for the $6 billion secured in its budget agreement to fight the opioid and heroin crisis, but “it’s a drop in the bucket compared to what we actually need,” he said.
Maryland, a small state, has already spent $500 million to battle the opioid epidemic alone, he continued.
“Six billion stretched across the country is not going to go very far … It’s the long-term recovery support services that we’re going to need a way to pay for.” “ (J)
“Congress sent states hundreds of millions of dollars to fight an opioid crisis claiming more than 100 lives a day — money they’ve largely been unable to spend after a year.
Mixed signals from the Trump administration on how to use the money and state challenges ramping up their efforts have left untouched more than three-quarters of the $500 million Congress set aside under the 21st Century Cures Act in late 2016.
As President Donald Trump heads to hard-hit New Hampshire today to tout his plan to combat the crisis, the slow drip of dollars into communities hit hard by addiction has put state officials in a bind and frustrated addiction experts and some treatment organizations.
“This is a total failure,” said Andrew Kolodny, former chief medical officer at Phoenix House and now a Brandeis University researcher, likening the situation to food and water “stuck in an airport somewhere, while people are starving to death.”
The grants for opioid addiction and prevention efforts were part of a $1 billion commitment over two years authorized in the Cures Act, which then-President Barack Obama signed just before leaving office.
But state officials were quickly caught in a dilemma: They were happy to receive new money, but it was guaranteed for only two years, making it difficult to get long-term commitments from health care providers and others to build programs and hire a workforce.” (K)
“Former Novartis sales reps from around the U.S. are expected to testify they were “essentially buying” prescriptions in exchange for providing doctors with paid speaking engagements, fancy meals, and alcohol in a closely watched lawsuit that is being pressed by the federal government.
And both doctors and sales reps are expected to testify that payments were made for speaking engagements that never took place, and that many of these events had little to no educational content, but were really just schmoozefests, according to a court filing on Monday by federal prosecutors.” (L)
“As tens of thousands of Americans die from prescription opioid overdoses each year, an exclusive analysis by CNN and researchers at Harvard University found that opioid manufacturers are paying physicians huge sums of money — and the more opioids a doctor prescribes, the more money he or she makes.
In 2014 and 2015, opioid manufacturers paid hundreds of doctors across the country six-figure sums for speaking, consulting and other services. Thousands of other doctors were paid over $25,000 during that time.
Physicians who prescribed particularly large amounts of the drugs were the most likely to get paid.
“This is the first time we’ve seen this, and it’s really important,” said Dr. Andrew Kolodny, a senior scientist at the Institute for Behavioral Health at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University, where he is co-director of the Opioid Policy Research Collaborative.
“It smells like doctors being bribed to sell narcotics, and that’s very disturbing,” said Kolodny, who is also the executive director of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing.
The Harvard researchers said it’s not clear whether the payments encourage doctors to prescribe a company’s drug or whether pharmaceutical companies seek out and reward doctors who are already high prescribers.
“I don’t know if the money is causing the prescribing or the prescribing led to the money, but in either case, it’s potentially a vicious cycle. It’s cementing the idea for these physicians that prescribing this many opioids is creating value,” said Dr. Michael Barnett, assistant professor of health policy and management at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.” (M)
“Gov. Rick Scott signed legislation Monday in Boca Raton that limits opioid prescribing and provides tens of millions in new funding to combat an overdose epidemic that is killing more than 1,000 people in South Florida every year.
Flanked by elected leaders and law enforcement, Scott said the Legislature set aside $65 million to expand treatment and provide the overdose antidote naloxone to law enforcement and paramedics.
The package also will impose a three-day limit on most opioid prescriptions, though doctors could provide a seven-day supply if “medically necessary.” Previously, state law didn’t limit opioid prescriptions.
The new limits would not apply to patients with pain related to “cancer, terminal illness, palliative care or serious traumatic injuries.” Physicians will now be required to check a prescription-monitoring database to prevent doctor shopping.
“The best thing we can do is stop drug addiction before it happens,” Scott said. “This bill should have an impact on that.” “ (N)
“Fresh on the heels of President Donald Trump’s plan to tackle the opioid crisis, House lawmakers this week plan to introduce more than two dozen bills aimed at ending the epidemic, ranging from better access to treatment programs to exploring opioid alternatives for pain…
One of the bills, called the Preventing Overdoses While in Emergency Rooms act, or POWER act, is a bipartisan measure that seeks to provide patients who have overdosed better access to treatment when they get discharged from emergency rooms.
The bill would set up protocols for emergency rooms around the nation on how best to discharge overdose patients, making sure they have the opioid overdose antidote naloxone and access to other medication-assisted treatment, as well as being linked up with peer-support specialists and other treatment programs that best fit the patient….
The bills range from efforts to explore non-addictive alternatives for pain to easier ways to dispose of extra opioid pills to better data sharing of a patient’s medical records with health care providers.
Several bills seek to give the US Food and Drug Administration more authority and new methods to streamline its efficiency and effectiveness. One measure seeks to accelerate bringing a breakthrough treatment for pain to the market. The proposals also want to study the long-term efficacy of opioids and allow for the FDA to consider the potential for drug abuse before bringing a new drug to the market.
CNN spoke with multiple health policy experts about the legislative initiative. While they lauded the efforts being put forward, every one of them said Congress and President Trump need to back any such plan with tens of billions of dollars in new funding.” (O)
“When President Trump spoke of the White House’s new plan to stop the opioid crisis in New Hampshire on Monday his core focus was on the bad guys and his answer was tougher penalties.
When top leaders from the Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institutes of Health pitched the same plan, the focus shifted to the victims of the epidemic and a kinder, gentler approach: science and public health.
HHS Secretary Alex Azar, JD, NIH Director Francis Collins, MD, PhD, and Nora Volkow, MD, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) pitched the president’s opioid initiative to reporters during a press briefing on Wednesday afternoon.
Collins and Volkow spoke of the NIH’s work to develop non-addictive alternatives to opioids, new formulations of naloxone, and one day, a vaccine to prevent addiction.
To do these things, scientists need to better understand the neurobiology of pain and to locate new drug targets — information private industry is eager to leverage, Collins said.
He described research involving a 17-year-old man with congenital insensitivity to pain and temperature — research that could ultimately “point us to a new idea about how to provide pain relief to people who aren’t born like this young guy, but who might on a temporary basis benefit” from an inability to feel pain.” (P)
“For once, Casey is optimistic about his future. After 16 years of struggling with drug addiction, he no longer feels the need to use. He has a steady job doing hazard tree removal for a Fortune 500 energy company. He’s working on getting specialized training for a license to help him land better-paying jobs. He’s even going to the gym.
But Casey, who asked that I only use his first name for this story, knows this could have turned out very differently. In fact, it had the past few times he was released from prison. Before, he had relapsed as quickly as a matter of days — not only exposing himself to the risk of a deadly overdose but leading to a spiral of drug use that hindered just about every aspect of his life and, often, landed him in prison again.
The big difference: This time, he got treatment — real treatment — while he was in prison…
In other words, the majority of state prisons don’t offer full access to what experts say is the mainline form of treatment for opioid addiction — and the kind of treatment that has helped Casey get his life back in order…
When an inmate addicted to opioids is released from prison, his chances of a fatal overdose are massively elevated: According to a 2007 study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, former inmates’ risk of a fatal drug overdose is 129 times as high as it is for the general population during the two weeks after release. Other studies have backed this up, putting the increased risk of overdose death in the tens of times or above 100 times.” (Q)
“Even as opioids flood American communities and fuel widespread addiction, hospitals are facing a dangerous shortage of the powerful painkillers needed by patients in acute pain, according to doctors, pharmacists and a coalition of health groups.
The shortage, though more significant in some places than others, has left many hospitals and surgical centers scrambling to find enough injectable morphine, Dilaudid and fentanyl — drugs given to patients undergoing surgery, fighting cancer or suffering traumatic injuries. The shortfall, which has intensified since last summer, was triggered by manufacturing setbacks and a government effort to reduce addiction by restricting drug production.
As a result, hospital pharmacists are working long hours to find alternatives, forcing nurses to administer second-choice drugs or deliver standard drugs differently. That raises the risk of mistakes — and already has led to at least a few instances in which patients received potentially harmful doses, according to the nonprofit Institute for Safe Medication Practices, which works with health care providers to promote patient safety.” (R)
“An important study published this week in JAMA suggests what we in the Slow Medicine community had suspected: opioids may be no better than non-opioid analgesics for patients with chronic pain. Despite the widespread use of opioids for the management of chronic pain, as well as guidelines suggesting they are an appropriate therapy for chronic pain, there had been disconcertingly little evidence on the topic. The best studies were no longer than 12 weeks in duration and involved only a small number of subjects.
This new JAMA study is also small, involving 240 patients with severe chronic back pain or pain from osteoarthritis of the hip or knee. However, investigators tracked pain-related function for a full year. Compared to non-opioid analgesic therapy, opioids resulted in similar functionality at 1 year, and pain intensity was slightly improved in the non-opioid therapy group. As anticipated, rates of adverse effects were higher in the opioid therapy group. These results follow another JAMA study published in the fall suggesting that non-opioid therapy may be as effective as opioids in treating acute pain in the emergency room.
With this information, coupled with growing evidence about the epidemic of opioid abuse, the role of opioids in pain management outside of the palliative setting is growing increasingly narrow. Nevertheless, there remain millions of Americans who depend on opioids, and we must be compassionate in managing their care, even if we now know it is not an effective pain treatment strategy.” (S)
“Dr. Mark Rosenberg of St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center in Paterson told the story of being approached by a man named Michael at an event who wanted to thank him for saving his life when he was in the emergency department for a heroin overdose.
“I said to him, ‘Michael, how did you get started on opioids?’ And he laughed and said, ‘Doc, you were the one who gave me my first prescription. I came in with a shoulder injury and you gave me some opioids.’ This is before we started ALTO,” he said, referring to the hospital’s Alternatives to Opiates program. “I was part of the problem, as most physicians across the country were part of the problem.”
Rosenberg remembers reading articles in the late 80s that said opioids were not addictive and should be given to patients in pain. Today, health care providers write over 250 million prescriptions for painkillers every year.
“We ended up with an entire society that is dependent on opioids, in part by a mistake of the drug companies, physicians, researchers alike,” he said…
In 2016, Rosenberg launched the Alternatives to Opiates program, otherwise known as ALTO. Emergency departments like the one at St. Joseph’s in Wayne now have protocols to manage pain without using opioids.
“We use them for certain conditions like kidney stones, back pain, headaches,” said Dr. Marjory Langer.
Rosenberg told the Passaic County Drug Policy Advisory Committee his method is not substituting a lesser pain medication for an opioid; it’s a layering treatment.
“I may be giving a nerve block so you don’t have any pain from the fracture, or I may be giving you a trigger point injection so your muscle spasm actually goes away,” said Rosenberg.
He says the results of the ALTO program have been positive.
“In the first year, we were able to get a 57 percent reduction in opioid use. In the second years, we have a total of an 82 percent reduction of opioid use in the emergency department,” he said.” (T)
“A program at St. Joseph’s Healthcare System that began a revolutionary change in the way emergency rooms handle opioid prescriptions is going national.
One of the creators of the Alternatives to Opiates program, Dr. Mark Rosenberg, is testifying on Capitol Hill on Thursday on a bill that would create a national demonstration of the success he has seen in New Jersey.
This is just the latest bout of attention the program has received on a national level.
Recent articles from Colorado, Massachusetts and Washington state have highlighted the ALTO program — without crediting St. Joseph’s or the team of doctors there. Two new bipartisan bills in Congress are highlighting it as well, aiming to set up a nationwide demo and study the results.” (U)
“The amount of opioids prescribed after gynecologic surgery declined by almost 90% with few complaints from patients after implementation of a restrictive prescription protocol, as reported here at the Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) meeting.
Over a 6-month period, the total opioid pill count declined by 89% as compared with historical prescribing practices. The total included a 73% reduction the number of pills dispensed after open surgery and 97% after minimally invasive procedures.
Patients undergoing ambulatory/minimally invasive procedures and with no history of chronic pain received only prescription-strength ibuprofen or acetaminophen at discharge. Those with a history of opioid exposure or chronic pain, received a 3-day supply (12 pills) of hydrocodone-acetaminophen (Norco) or oxycodone-acetaminophen (Percocet).
Patients undergoing open surgery received either nonopioid pain medication or a 3-day opioid prescription at discharge. If a patient used an opioid for pain in the previous 24 hours, then a 3-day supply consisting of 24 pills (two every 6 hours) was prescribed.” (V)
“The (American Dental) Association on March 26 announced a new interim policy on opioids that supports prescription limits and mandatory continuing education for dentists.
The new policy, officially titled Interim Board Policy on Opioid Prescribing, is believed to be one of the first of its kind from a major health professional organization.
“I call upon dentists everywhere to double down on their efforts to prevent opioids from harming our patients and their families,” said ADA President Joseph P. Crowley. “This new policy demonstrates the ADA’s firm commitment to help fight the country’s opioid epidemic while continuing to help patients manage dental pain.”
In the interim policy, the Association says it supports the following:
Mandatory continuing education on prescribing opioids and other controlled substances.
Prescribing limits on opioid dosage and duration of no more than seven days for the treatment of acute pain, consistent with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s evidence-based guidelines.
Dentists registering with and utilizing prescription drug monitoring programs to promote the appropriate use of opioids and deter misuse and abuse.” (W)
“The White House’s national strategy to combat the opioid crisis, unveiled last week, would expand a particular kind of addiction treatment in federal criminal justice settings: a single drug, manufactured by a single company, with mixed views on the evidence regarding its use.
Federal prisons should “facilitate naltrexone treatment and access to treatment” to inmates as they transition out of incarceration, according to a fact sheet circulated by the administration. A White House spokesman later confirmed to STAT that the document referred specifically to naltrexone in its injectable form…
When asked about the plan, administration health officials themselves expressed doubts about the approach.
“We don’t per se favor one drug over the other, because some patients respond better to one or the other,” said Nora Volkow, the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, at a press event on Tuesday. “It is clear that treatment in the prison system significantly improves outcomes, whether it’s [with naltrexone or buprenorphine].”
Health secretary Alex Azar was unfamiliar with the proposal to provide Vivitrol exclusively, saying in response to a STAT question: “I have a feeling that was an inadvertent reference. I think the key thing was the prison population, as opposed to any one product.”
Azar, who was sworn in as health secretary in late January, walked back his remark 15 minutes later, citing “staff-level discussions” and a directive from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration that anyone “coming out of prison or a detox program should in fact be put on naltrexone, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best form [of MAT] for all populations.” (X)
“Former U.S. representative Patrick Kennedy, a Democrat who served on President Donald Trump’s opioid commission last year, said there are clear solutions but that Congress needs to devote more money to them.
“We still have lacked the insight that this is a crisis, a cataclysmic crisis,” he said.” (Y)
“Two bills which passed both Oregon’s House and Senate with unanimous bipartisan support are set to receive Governor Kate Brown’s signature on Tuesday, March 27.
House Bill 4143 will require the Department of Consumer and Business Services to study stumbling blocks in methods of effective treatment for recovery from substance abuse—particularly opiate addiction—and provide a report to lawmakers by June 30 of this year.
House Bill 4137 charges a new Director of the Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission with providing recommendations for a comprehensive plan to address addiction, prevention, treatment and recovery by December 31 of this year. The bill also declares a public health “emergency.”
While neither bill directly provides the means for combating the opioid crisis, both were drafted to give lawmakers the best and most recent information—a roadmap—so that subsequent legislation and programs can more effectively create change.” (Z)
“Medicare officials thought they had finally figured out how to do their part to fix the troubling problem of opioids being overprescribed to the old and disabled: In 2016, a staggering one in three of 43.6 million beneficiaries of the federal health insurance program had been prescribed the painkillers.
Medicare, they decided, would now refuse to pay for long-term, high-dose prescriptions; a rule to that effect is expected to be approved on April 2. Some medical experts have praised the regulation as a check on addiction.
But the proposal has also drawn a broad and clamorous blowback from many people who would be directly affected by it, including patients with chronic pain, primary care doctors and experts in pain management and addiction medicine.
Critics say the rule would inject the government into the doctor-patient relationship and could throw patients who lost access to the drugs into withdrawal or even provoke them to buy dangerous street drugs. Although the number of opioid prescriptions has been declining since 2011, they noted, the rate of overdoses attributed to the painkillers and, increasingly, illegal fentanyl and heroin, has escalated.” (AA)
“The Global Center for Health Innovation (Global Center) and Accenture have formed a working group to explore data-driven solutions that better integrate the continuum of addiction services (first responders, ER and inpatient, outpatient, behavioral health) to improve treatment and move toward prevention. The group’s formation was announced at the Global Center’s second Executive Briefing, The Role of Private Capital in Attacking the Opioid Crisis.” (BB)
“In 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned that life expectancy in the United States dropped for the second year in a row — and drug overdoses are the single biggest reason why.
As states and communities on the front lines struggle to respond to the opioid crisis, Washington has only nibbled around the edges. Politicians and policymakers make vague promises, treating the crisis as if it is a novel, intractable problem. It is neither.
America has addressed this kind of public health emergency before, and we call on Congress to do so now.
Three decades ago, another epidemic that was highly stigmatized, greatly misunderstood and severely underestimated was spreading through our country and killing tens of thousands of otherwise healthy people each year. That epidemic was HIV/AIDS.
In the 1980s, stigma prevented many Americans from acknowledging their infections or seeking treatment. Evolving treatment protocols were new and complex, and few doctors were trained in how to use them to provide care for patients. Our existing medical infrastructure was not equipped to efficiently distribute information and resources to communities trying to understand, treat and prevent the spread of the epidemic.
The federal government alone possessed the resources capable of addressing the epidemic, but for years Washington refused to devote meaningful resources to combating HIV/AIDS, even as it continued to kill more Americans day after day. This inaction ended because people with HIV/AIDS and their loved ones fought back, side by side with doctors, scientists and lawmakers representing communities devastated by the disease.
In 1990, our colleagues in Congress — Rep. Henry Waxman, Sen. Ted Kennedy, and Sen. Orrin Hatch — worked together to pass the bipartisan Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act, named after an Indiana teenager who was diagnosed with AIDS at the age of 13. Ryan White bravely fought AIDS-related discrimination and became a leading national voice on AIDS education before his untimely death — 28 years ago next month.
The Ryan White CARE Act recognized the gravity — and the urgency — of the HIV/AIDS crisis by setting forth a comprehensive approach to treatment and providing significant new funding for individualized support services..…
The program they created provides vital services to more than half a million people every year. Although the HIV/AIDS epidemic is by no means over, life-saving medications are available, new infections have plummeted and science — rather than stigma — guides medical care.
It is time for Congress to show the same political courage that our colleagues showed nearly 30 years ago. That’s why we intend to introduce legislation to establish a comprehensive system for funding and local decision-making to address opioid addiction and substance use that is modeled directly on the highly successful Ryan White CARE Act…
President Trump’s declaration that the opioid crisis is a public health emergency has amounted to little more than empty words. His latest response to this epidemic — an announcement that he will seek the death penalty for drug dealers — is the crudest indication yet of how little he understands about what the problem is or how to fix it.
We propose a different approach. The Ryan White CARE Act is an enduring example of what Congress can achieve when it works to help states and communities address a national public health crisis by providing significant federal support…
American families — not just in Maryland or in Massachusetts, but all across this country — desperately need us to take action against an epidemic terrorizing every single community. Urban, suburban and rural; poor, middle-class and wealthy; red, blue and purple. We urge our colleagues to join us in this effort, to show courage, to combat ignorance and ill-informed stigmas and to step up with significant new resources. This isn’t about politics. This is about saving lives.” (CC)
(A) Opioid crisis has cost the U.S. $1 trillion, by Sam Baker, https://www.axios.com/opioid-crisis-has-cost-the-us-1-trillion-1518490361-3f5c1717-7bc2-445a-961c-0200d76f3f78.html
(B) Congress’s omnibus bill adds $3.3 billion to fight the opioid crisis. It’s not enough, by German Lopez, https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/3/22/17150294/congress-omnibus-bill-opioid-epidemic
(C) Trump Pushes Drug-Dealer Death Penalty As Opioid Crisis Response, by Roberta Rampton, https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-opioids-death-penalty_us_5ab006b6e4b0e862383a6489
(D) Trump Doesn’t Understand the Opioid Crisis. Just Check Out His Latest Proposal, by JULIA LURIE, https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2018/03/trump-doesnt-understand-the-opioid-crisis-just-check-out-his-latest-proposal/
(E) Trump Talks Up Major Offensive on Opioids. Death penalty for certain traffickers; ‘on demand’ treatment for veterans, by Shannon Firth, https://www.medpagetoday.com/publichealthpolicy/opioids/71855
(F) DOJ weighing ‘major litigation’ against opioid makers, Trump says, by LEV FACHER, https://www.statnews.com/2018/03/19/trump-opioid-department-of-justice/
(G) DOJ Repeats Threat to Hold Opioid Prescribers Accountable, by Ryan Basen, https://www.medpagetoday.com/publichealthpolicy/opioids/71661
(H) Public health experts skeptical that spending plan will lead to gun violence research, effectively address opioid crisis, by Paige Minemyer, https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/regulatory/2018-spending-plan-cdc-gun-violence-research-opioids-public-health?utm_medium=nl&utm_source=internal&mrkid=654508&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWXpRNE56aGpaVFl3TXpZeiIsInQiOiJad0h3VjJoQWd6YjY3R0twYUg5anYzVjRpZ3NHMHBZZktjRUJxWW5XdkVNVFNkWGRIRUNxeUpqckJLT1BFMFpGcWZwc0xUMHZzRCtmbDBGMkFkUFNYREdsYUFrVHg4aTNmVGhPYk1jR213WnpTbk5VdkRUZjRsXC9VMkxaRDhzbzkifQ%3D%3D
(I) Trump’s Bluster on the Opioid Epidemic, by THE EDITORIAL BOARD, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/20/opinion/trumps-bluster-on-the-opioid-epidemic.html
(J) D.C. Week: States Plead for Federal $$ in Opioid Fight, by Shannon Firth, https://www.medpagetoday.com/washington-watch/washington-watch/71685?xid=nl_mpt_DHE_2018-03-12&eun=g1223211d0r&pos=1&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Daily%20Headlines%202018-03-12&utm_term=Daily%20Headlines%20-%20Active%20User%20-%20180%20days
(K) Hundreds of millions in state opioid cash left unspent, by RACHANA PRADHAN and BRIANNA EHLEY, https://www.politico.com/story/2018/03/19/opioid-crisis-funding-unspent-468658
(L) Former Novartis sales reps will testify they ‘essentially’ bought prescriptions by wooing doctors, by ED SILVERMAN, https://www.statnews.com/pharmalot/2018/03/20/former-novartis-sales-reps-bribes-doctors/
(M) CNN Exclusive: The more opioids doctors prescribe, the more money they make, by Aaron Kessler, Elizabeth Cohen and Katherine Grise, https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/11/health/prescription-opioid-payments-eprise/index.html
(N) Gov. Scott signs opioid package that includes millions to fight South Florida epidemic, by Skyler Swisher, http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/florida/fl-reg-rick-scott-opioids-bill-20180319-story.html
(O) This is how lawmakers plan to end the opioid crisis, by Wayne Drash, https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/20/health/house-bills-opioid-legislation/index.html
(P) NIH, HHS to Fight Opioids Epidemic with Science, by Shannon Firth, https://www.medpagetoday.com/publichealthpolicy/opioids/71904
(Q) How America’s prisons are fueling the opioid epidemic, by German Lopez, https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/3/13/17020002/prison-opioid-epidemic-medications-addiction
(R) The other opioid crisis: Hospital shortages lead to patient pain, medical errors, https://www.news-medical.net/news/20180316/The-other-opioid-crisis-Hospital-shortages-lead-to-patient-pain-medical-
(S) Slow Medicine: Role Narrows for Opioids in Chronic Pain, by Pieter Cohen, MD, and Michael Hochman, https://www.medpagetoday.com/blogs/slowmedicine/71664
(T) St. Joseph’s ER has reduced opioid use by 82 percent, BY Leah Mishkin, https://www.njtvonline.org/news/video/st-peters-alternatives-opioids/
(U) St. Joseph’s ALTO opioids program to go national, by Anjalee Khemlani, http://www.roi-nj.com/2018/03/20/healthcare/st-josephs-alto-program-to-go-national/
(V) Women Do Well Without Opioids after Gyn Surgery, by by Charles Bankhead, https://www.medpagetoday.com/meetingcoverage/sgo/72003
(W) ADA adopts interim opioids policy, by Jennifer Garvin, https://www.ada.org/en/publications/ada-news/2018-archive/march/ada-adopts-interim-opioids-policy?nav=news&utm_source=STAT+Newsletters&utm_campaign=8abdf7c408-MR&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_8cab1d7961-8abdf7c408-149527969
(X) Trump opioid plan writes in favoritism to single company’s addiction medication, by LEV FACHER, https://www.statnews.com/2018/03/26/trump-opioid-plan-alkermes-vivitrol/
(Y) States: Federal money for opioid crisis a small step forward, by GEOFF MULVIHILL, http://www.concordmonitor.com/States-Federal-money-for-opioid-crisis-a-small-step-forward-16435985
(Z) GOVERNOR BROWN WILL SIGN NEW LAWS TO COMBAT OPIOID CRISIS, by Jamie Parfitt, http://www.kdrv.com/content/news/Governor-Brown-Will-Sign-Legislature-to-Combat-Opioid-Crisis-477954183.html
(AA) Medicare Is Cracking Down on Opioids. Doctors Fear Pain Patients Will Suffer., by JAN HOFFMAN, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/27/health/opioids-medicare-limits.html
(BB) Global Center for Health Innovation and Accenture Form a Working Group to Address Opioid Epidemic, http://www.wlns.com/ap-top-news/global-center-for-health-innovation-and-accenture-form-a-working-group-to-address-opioid-epidemic/1083225045
(CC) Treat the opioid crisis like the HIV/AIDS epidemic: Elizabeth Warren & Elijah Cummings, https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/03/29/new-legislation-treat-opioid-crisis-hiv-aids-epidemic-congressman-cummings-senator-warren-column/459036002/
Other posts that are part of this Case Study:
“For most of my surgical career, I gave out opioids like candy….” “With approximately 142 Americans dying every day”….” We need to take away the matches, not put out the fires.”
August 9, 2017
“We would never tolerate a situation where only one in 10 people with cancer or diabetes gets treatment, and yet we do that with substance-abuse disorders,” (A)
August 11, 2017
As Washington dawdles, the States step in on the opioid crisis, with initiatives and lawyers
August 17, 2017
“To manage and (eventually) reverse the opioid epidemic, state Medicaid programs should now take a deeper look at the role prescribing plays…”,
August 22, 2017
Opioid Crisis. ““We got here in part because there was a paper done in the 1980s by a well-meaning physician that said opioids are not addictive….
September 1, 2017 | Edit
The rise of ‘grandfamilies’: Opioid crisis requires more Hoosier grandparents to raise children..
September 14, 2017
Congress blocked DEA action against drug companies suspected of flooding the country with prescription narcotics, https://doctordidyouwashyourhands.com/2017/10/congress-blocked-dea-action-against-drug-companies-suspected-of-flooding-the-country-with-prescription-narcotics/
October 17, 2017
“At a time when the United States is in the grip of an opioid epidemic, many insurers are limiting access to pain medications that carry a lower risk of addiction or dependence…..”
October 19, 2017
“…the president.. reversed course to instead declare opioids a public health emergency, a move that releases no new funding to contend with a drug crisis….”
October 29, 2017
Facebook users can easily find these drugs – Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, and Percocets,
November 29, 2017
“White House counselor Kellyanne Conway will be the point person for the Trump administration’s opioid crisis efforts…
December 9, 2017
The Trump administration “… hasn’t done squat” about the Opioid Crisis – but is prosecuting marijuana offenses & fired all HIV/AIDS Commission members
January 6, 2018
Opioid Crisis. President Trumps “thoughts and prayers have helped.. “But additional funding and resources would be more helpful.”
January 14, 2018 | Edit
Opioid commission member: Our work is a ‘sham’
January 24, 2018
Please feel free to use this case study, with attribution, and pass it onto others as well
and…your feedback would be appreciated [email protected]
1. August 23, 2017 | UBER HEALTH Inc., WALMART HOSPITALS NFP, AMAZONrx (Ireland), MicrosoftCare LLC.
2. November 3, 2017 | Is “Silicon Valley” – artificial intelligence – disrupting and taking over the health care system?
3. December 25, 2017 | In 2018 the CVS-Aetna “Unicorn” will buy a mega-hospital system and become a very disruptive patient “ownership” trajectory
4. January 3, 2018 | Health care disruption….”executives are paying close attention to who/what poses the greatest threat to their business models.”
5. January 24, 2018 | Health care “disruption” doesn’t have any rules!
6. February 12, 2018 | Amazon is openly DISRUPTING health care as well as quietly under-the-radar
7. February 20, 2018 |health care DISRUPTERS like Amazon “have a strong self-interest in keeping hospital leadership on edge…”
8. February 26, 2018 | AMAZON: Health Care DISRUPTION by DISINTERMEDIATION. (what the heck is that?)
9. March 7, 2018 | The power of artificial intelligence in disrupting health care
10. March 15, 2018 | The HEALTH SECTOR is ripe for DISRUPTION… organizations need to rethink how & where care is delivered to consumers
“Some of the biggest and most famous brands in America are making big bets on health care. The blue chips of Silicon Valley — Amazon, Apple, Google, Uber — have announced in the past few weeks they’re interested in disrupting an industry that has bedeviled us with rising costs and inefficiencies for decades.
Amazon is setting up a mysterious new partnership with JPMorgan Chase and Warren Buffett. Apple is planning a line of (surely sleek and minimalist) medical clinics. Google’s sibling under the umbrella company Alphabet, Verily, is looking at the Medicaid market. Uber wants to disrupt ambulances.
It is way, way, way too early to start imagining a world where health care is truly owned by Big Tech — you order prescription drugs with your Amazon Prime account, see a nurse at the Apple Clinic, get your benefits statements from Google, and call an Uber instead of an ambulance when you need to go to the hospital.
But something is happening here. The most proven, forward-thinking, and, dare I say, disruptive companies in our country have decided health care should be their next big move. They see a system rife with administrative inefficiencies, opaque prices, and customer dissatisfaction. In other words, a huge opportunity.” (A)
“Out of the gate, the new health care venture from Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase seems to be headed in the right direction — using new technology to provide their employees better value and health outcomes. That’s where things will start, but this could be a laboratory for a more sweeping transformation.
The big picture: To bring lower costs and better care to their employees and others, these companies will need to do more than deploy a modern technology overlay. They will have to better align payments and outcomes in health care across the board. If they accelerate this process, we will all benefit.
The problems: Our health care system is afraid of new technology, partially because of outdated ideas about how to pay for care that are layered into government programs. Consider the example of Type 1 diabetes — a chronic condition that affects more than 1.2 million Americans.
New technology called continuous glucose monitoring, or CGM, uses a digital sensor to monitor patients’ blood-sugar levels throughout the day, without requiring them to draw blood.
CGM is even more effective when it pairs with analytic algorithms and a smartphone. Patients can share readings with a doctor in real time, or automatically alert loved ones in the case of an emergency. These are precisely the kind of technologies a company like Amazon should know how to leverage.
Because of old and often inflexible rules, Medicare won’t have anything to do with CGM if a smartphone is involved. The government doesn’t want to be in the business of paying for smartphones.” (B)
“All journeys begin with a single step. The journey to value-based care is no different. One foot in front of the other. The steady accumulation of those steps and one finds oneself a thousand miles from the starting point. The same will be the story of artificial intelligence in healthcare.
For AI in healthcare, there is more focus on the high-profile failures than the small successes — the incremental steps. Yet those small wins offer a vibrant story of transformation, re-invention, and improved patient experience.
It is these small wins, in concert with each other that will alter the trajectory of healthcare in the U.S. and beyond. Let’s take a look at the range of some of these wins and consider the collective implications if adopted broadly across a major U.S. system.” (C)
“Alphabet, Microsoft and Apple have filed more than 300 healthcare patents between 2013 and 2017 — revealing the tech giants’ increasing desire to disrupt the healthcare space, according to a new report by Ernst & Young.
Between 2013 and 2017, Google’s parent company Alphabet filed 186 patents, Microsoft filed 73 and Apple filed 54.” (D)
“EY’s analysis of the US health patents filed by major technology players, including Alphabet, Apple and Microsoft, shows the investment technology giants are making in health care (see Figure 1). Alphabet, for instance, has a range of initiatives that span DeepMind and Verily Life Sciences, including joint ventures in diabetes (Onduo), bioelectronics (Galvani Bioelectronics) and smart operating rooms (Verb Surgical). Apple, meanwhile, has filed patents to turn its phones into medical devices capturing biometric data such as blood pressure and body fat levels; it has also partnered with Stanford University to develop algorithms to predict abnormal heart rhythms. Based on its filed patents, Microsoft has focused on expanding its AI capabilities and developing monitoring devices for chronic conditions.” (E)
“Patients and physicians both are ready to engage with one another using digital tools, according to a new Ernst & Young national survey released at HIMSS18 this week.
The survey found 54 percent of consumers said they are comfortable contacting their physician digitally and further expressed interest in using technology such as at-home diagnostic testing (36 percent), using a smartphone or connected device for information sharing (33 percent) and video consultations (21 percent).
There is widespread agreement among physicians that digital technologies and data sharing will contribute effectively to the overall well-being of the population, the survey found. And 83 percent of physicians believe that increased patient-generated data from connected devices would benefit the overall quality of care and enable more personalized care plans.
Further, 66 percent of physicians said that increased use of digital technologies would reduce the burden on the healthcare system and its associated costs, and 64 percent think it would help reduce the burden on doctors and nurses and have a positive impact on the critical issue of burnout, the survey said.
“The health sector today is ripe for disruption, and these findings reinforce the need for organizations to rethink how and where care is delivered to consumers,” said Jacques Mulder, U.S. health leader at Ernst & Young. “Both consumers and physicians are empowered by emerging technology and are hungry for better, more connected experiences. This demand paves the way for nontraditional players to make an impact on the industry, and is another indicator that health in entering an era of convergence.” (F)
“For the better part of a decade, the drive to adopt health information technology was focused on just that, adopting technology. Now, the push seems to be twofold: actually finding value in the billions spent on health IT and, equally as significant, trying to keep pace with consumer demand.
That means an increased focus on telehealth and virtual care; deploying consumer-friendly apps; experimenting with artificial intelligence; and collecting, analyzing and pushing out actionable data. Hospital executives, vendors and others gathered here last week at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society’s annual meeting were adamant in their belief that healthcare organizations need to stop nibbling at the edges and pick up the pace of embracing consumerism.
That push, however, has to be balanced with the reality that provider revenue streams are tightening, as well as the fact that payers, employers, consumers and the government are clamoring for more preventive and population health-based care.” (G)
“Interoperability” isn’t a word most people hear every day. But when it comes to the future of patient-centered healthcare in the United States, few technological developments may prove to be more important.
Interoperability is essentially the ability of different computer systems to communicate with each other quickly and effectively. For healthcare specifically, that means being able to share patient data in an instant regardless of what hospital, pharmacy, laboratory, or clinic houses the information—and being able to do so with complete reliability and privacy protection.
The Trump Administration views interoperability as a top priority for the Federal government. This week, White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner laid out President Donald J. Trump’s plan at HIMSS18, a leading conference focusing on health information and technology transformation.
“Interoperability is about our shared bottom line: saving lives,” Kushner said. “There is overwhelming consensus: America needs better access to patient data and interoperability now.” (H)
“Amazon.com Inc said on Wednesday it was expanding its discounted Prime membership offer to Medicaid members, the U.S. government’s health insurance program for the poor.
The move from the e-commerce giant comes nine months after it said it would offer a discount on its popular Prime subscription service for shoppers who receive U.S. government aid.
To qualify for the discounted $5.99 monthly Prime membership, customers must have a valid Electronic Benefits Transfer or Medicaid card and can renew it annually for up to four years, the company said.
The $12.99-per month or $99-per-year prime service offers users added perks like low prices and faster delivery for certain purchases and shipped over 5 billion items worldwide last year.
Any push by Amazon into poorer demographics comes at a time when traditional brick-and-mortar suppliers like Walmart Inc have been fighting the online shopping giant’s arrival by seeking to attract more high-spending shoppers.
The Medicaid connection may also stir more nerves among healthcare companies worried about tentative moves by Amazon to sell and distribute some medical supplies and drugs. (I)
“The program has earned Amazon praise for “doing well by doing good” but also draws attention to product offerings that will likely come in handy specifically for customers on Medicaid, such as over-the-counter medications and eyewear. Healthcare consultant Lyndean Brick of the Advis Group noted to the Indianapolis Star that the move is also aligned with the company’s larger strategy to expand into the healthcare marketplace. Amazon recently announced a plan to partner with Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase to launch their own employee healthcare company.
“They have a strategy to enter into the healthcare market and it’s clearly well thought out, and they are going to enter the industry from all sides simultaneously,” Brick said.” (J)
“If you’re in the pharmacy business, Amazon’s roster of employees is starting to look ominous. In the past 18 months, the e-commerce giant has poached more than 20 employees from industry heavyweights such as CVS Health, Express Scripts, and UnitedHealth Group, according to a STAT review of available LinkedIn data. The new hires include software engineers, data analysts, business strategists, and others with years of experience in the prescription drug and health care” (K)
“Walmart Inc., the largest private employer in the U.S., has been buying health care for its workers directly from providers in six different regions — bypassing insurers who usually negotiate with doctors and hospitals. The retailer is trying to find out if its formidable purchasing power can squeeze out middlemen and drive down costs in the same way that its tough bargaining has brought down prices for shoppers.
“We wanted to see what was more effective — what works, and what doesn’t work,” said Lisa Woods, the company’s senior director of U.S. health care. “If we can’t impact and influence cost or how cost trends are increasing, then we need to change or do something different.”
Companies are the largest providers of health insurance in the U.S., giving more than 150 million people access to coverage. While premiums have soared 55 percent over the past decade, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, most firms have done little tinkering with their health plans beyond asking employees to pay higher contributions and out-of-pocket costs.” (L)
“Uber launched Uber Health on March 1, a new form of non-emergency medical transportation. The new service allows patients to schedule rides to and from medical appointments hours before or up to 30 days in advance. Providers who order the rides do so through an online dashboard, and patients receive a text message or phone call for information about their trip, making rides accessible to those without smartphones.
Lyft Concierge, which launched in 2016, allows businesses to schedule rides on behalf of individuals, and Lyft has already partnered with health-care providers such as Blue Cross Blue Shield with this platform. On March 5, Lyft announced it is expanding its medical transportation service after partnering with Allscripts, one of the largest electronic health-care service companies.
Uber and Lyft have touted their services as solutions for the 3.6 million people who miss appointments due to a lack of accessible medical transportation. Although their services should be great ways to modernize medical transportation, Uber Health and Lyft Concierge come with concerns.
Unlike Medicaid’s non-emergency transportation program, for which a transportation provider’s staff must receive patient privacy and safety training, neither ridesharing company requires drivers to have any special training for escorting patients to and from their appointments. This poses a serious health risk for passengers who may be dealing with severe, chronic illnesses and, in the event of an emergency, will not have proper assistance.” (M)
“So, then why such a big buzz?…
In other words, whether or not these three companies will deliver true transformation in the future is still TBD, but they are absolutely providing motivation right now. And this is huge.
Why is this outside influence so critical in this industry? The simple truth is that healthcare delivery systems are incredibly complex multibillion dollar operations with tens of thousands of employees. All businesses of this size and scale, both inside and outside of healthcare, have an extremely hard time being nimble and are always at risk for innovation happening on the edge of their business model. So, while group purchasing, employer clinics and transportation are not burning platforms for any executive team in a hospital today, when they see the names Amazon, Apple and Uber playing in those spaces, these areas immediately become board level agenda items and initiatives…
There is a great line from a Tracy Chapman song All That You Have is Your Soul that goes “don’t get tempted by the shiny apple.” While it is easy to be attracted to simple ideas, healthcare is an incredibly complex industry with an overwhelming number of problems that need to be solved. And truly solving these problems is incredibly challenging work.
With that said, for too long it is has been too easy to accept healthcare’s shortcomings. And that is exactly why Amazon, Apple and Uber can be incredibly helpful — not just in producing ideas, but in providing the inspiration for us to truly take action to help heal healthcare, not in the future but right now.
And if they can do that it would truly be an, “OH MY!” (N)
“Health 2.0 looked at five drivers that could advance healthcare; the new interoperability and the increased use in FHIR and SMART system; novel modalities, such as voice assistants and virtual reality; new market entrances like Amazon and JP Morgan; business model disruptions, and new environments for health systems like schools.
But Subaiya said that no one system can solve healthcare a crisis alone. Partnering is key to solving some of the most pressing issues in healthcare, Subaiya said. However, some healthcare providers are still reluctant to embrace the change, citing little resources, difficulty in integration and a lack of domain experience.
Subaiya urged providers to go beyond their walls. She gave the example of the opioid epidemic. The condition isn’t limited to one type of doctor or care. Treating addiction includes mental health services, physician referrals, Pharma regulations, and emergency care.
“These problems are complex, the solution sets are starting to aggregate into small clusters that make sense for a large problem. Now they need the mechanism and the infrastructure with the care delivery system to have true impact,” she said.
For example, in solving the opioid epidemic innovation around the opioid epidemic is clustering into care coordination, digital therapeutics, identifying and monitoring, social determinant side.
“I think you’ll see incredibly powerful platforms that are consolidating units of innovations. We are going to be seeing people putting pieces of innovation together,” said Subaiya.” (O)
“Given that government intervention a la the “Affordable Care Act” failed to drive efficiencies or bend the cost curve in health care, now Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan will have the opportunity to try their hand at modernizing the health care system.
While time will tell whether (and how) Amazon, et al. can make an impact on the market, their potential entrance thereto is already driving change in the industry as existing market players are having to re-think their strategies related to innovation, efficiency, and transparency in preparation for new competitive entrants.
And, as anyone with experience dealing with the health care system will quickly acknowledge, change to the status quo is sorely needed given that the current byzantine nature of the American health care system has over the course of several decades created barriers to entry for new competitors while also reinforcing perverse incentives among and between various players in the space.
In addition to stock price movements, 2017’s health care merger activity is an indication that change may be apace.
From horizontal mergers of hospitals and insurers to vertical mergers involving players in historically isolated segments of the industry, such as the proposed merger of pharmacy giant CVS Health and insurer Aetna, it appears that the market is positioning to improve integration and efficiency.” (P)
“Eric Schmidt delivered a hearty dose of optimism Monday evening in the HIMSS18 opening keynote.
“A revolution has been happening in my industry. Scale changes the rules, scale changes everything,” said Schmidt, who is the former Executive Chairman of Alphabet and today serves as a Technical Advisor to Google’s parent company. “The combination of cloud, deep neural networks, the explosion of data will give you a model.”..
Schmidt pointed as example to a theoretical technology product he called Dr. Liz — named in honor of the first woman to earn a medical degree, Elizabeth Blackwell — a scenario wherein a voice assistant in patient rooms interacts with consumers, makes evidence-based recommendations to doctors and handles all the administrative burden of working in an EHR.
“Everything I just described is buildable today or in the next few years,” Schmidt added. “All it takes is for all of us to figure out how.”
That’s not to say it will be here tomorrow, but Schmidt laid down a clear path toward just such an innovation akin to email, the Internet or smartphones that will be the proverbial killer app that causes all sorts of interactions and connections.
Here’s what Schmidt said that will take: A clinical data warehouse packed with diverse data sets that are curated and normalized such that sophisticated analytics can be run against the data and accessed with a rich API. Hospitals then need a second tier of data to supplement EHRs…
Reinforcement learning requires those powerful networks. Schmidt described the concept of consisting of a simulator, training data, real-time experience to that looks at forwarding outcomes.
“We believe we can build reinforcement solutions to significantly improve pathways of care,” Schmidt said.” (Q)
“Artificial intelligence is all the rage in Silicon Valley, but it has so far not made much of a dent in health care. That’s largely because the technology just isn’t good enough yet, according to a report in VentureBeat.
The most interesting applications so far have focused on diagnostics — using algorithms to process and distill published medical research at a volume humans simply couldn’t handle, or having them read patient data and look for abnormalities, the report says.
Key quote: “I have no doubt that sophisticated learning and AI algorithms will find a place in health care over the coming years,” data scientist Andy Schuetz tells VentureBeat. “I don’t know if it’s two years or 10 — but it’s coming.”” (R)
“Dan Patterson: Can you forecast the future for us? Some advice and insight on what technologies may be most disruptive, and what technologies may be most helpful in the next 18-36 months?
Ted Smith: I’ll leave you with something controversial that will be memorable. But my money is on the toilet, just to be clear, based on biometrics, considering all that can be done by sampling by what’s going on with someone, believe it or not, we can learn a lot about your health with a smart toilet.
It’s kind of a gross thought, but it’s something we all use multiple times a day. It’s probably the gateway to always knowing about your health.” (S)
““What if we told you we could back up your mind?”
So yeah. Nectome is a preserve-your-brain-and-upload-it company. Its chemical solution can keep a body intact for hundreds of years, maybe thousands, as a statue of frozen glass. The idea is that someday in the future scientists will scan your bricked brain and turn it into a computer simulation. That way, someone a lot like you, though not exactly you, will smell the flowers again in a data server somewhere.
This story has a grisly twist, though. For Nectome’s procedure to work, it’s essential that the brain be fresh. The company says its plan is to connect people with terminal illnesses to a heart-lung machine in order to pump its mix of scientific embalming chemicals into the big carotid arteries in their necks while they are still alive (though under general anesthesia).” (T)
(A) Why Apple, Amazon, and Google are making big health care moves, by Dylan Scott, https://www.vox.com/technology/2018/3/6/17071750/amazon-health-care-apple-google-uber
(B) How Amazon & Co. can revolutionize the health care system, by Dan Mendelson,https://www.axios.com/mendelson-on-amzbhjpmc-health-1517524125-2f8d2447-c121-4f02-a902-5b9d1eb128dc.html
(C) Small wins vs. big losses: AI in healthcare, by JONATHAN MUISE, https://medcitynews.com/2018/03/small-wins-vs-big-losses-ai-healthcare/
(D) Google’s parent Alphabet, Microsoft and Apple have filed 300+ healthcare patents: 5 things to know, by Alia Paavola, https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/healthcare-information-technology/google-s-parent-alphabet-microsoft-and-apple-have-filed-300-healthcare-patents-5-things-to-know.html
(E) When the human body is the biggest data platform, who will capture value, http://www.ey.com/Publication/vwLUAssets/ey-when-the-human-body-is-the-biggest-data-platform-who-will-capture-value/$FILE/ey-when-the-human-body-is-the-biggest-data-platform-who-will-capture-value.pdf
(F) Survey: Patients are comfortable engaging doctors digitally, but not with sharing data, by Bill Siwicki, http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/survey-patients-are-comfortable-engaging-doctors-digitally-not-sharing-data
(G) Drive to embrace consumerism forcing change in health IT strategies, by Matthew Weinstock and Rachel Z. Arndt, http://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20180310/NEWS/180319989
(H) The Trump Administration’s Plan to Put You in Charge of Your Health Information, https://www.whitehouse.gov/articles/trump-administrations-plan-put-charge-health-information/
(I) Amazon offers discount Prime membership to Medicaid recipients, by Tamara Mathias, by Sarah Young, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-facebook-far-right/facebook-bans-far-right-group-britain-first-for-inciting-hatred-idUSKCN1GQ1JS
(J) MEMBERSHIP TAKEAWAYS FROM AMAZON’S MEDICAID DISCOUNT, by ERNIE SMITH, https://associationsnow.com/2018/03/membership-takeaways-amazons-medicaid-discount/
(K) Amazon’s pharmacy hires hint of ambitions to upend a $360 billion market, by By CASEY ROSS, https://www.statnews.com/2018/03/09/amazon-pharmacy-hires/
(L) Amazon Isn’t the Only Retail Giant Trying to Remake Health Care, by Zachary Tracer, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-08/amazon-isn-t-the-only-retail-giant-trying-to-remake-health-care
(M) Corporations struggle to do what health-care system won’t, http://www.columbiachronicle.com/opinion/article_877679c4-23f2-11e8-ab72-ffbfd0590f7e.html
(N) The No. 1 takeaway from HIMSS 2018: ‘Amazon and Apple and Uber, oh my!’ by Dan Michelson, https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/healthcare-information-technology/the-no-1-takeaway-from-himss-2018-amazon-and-apple-and-uber-oh-my.html
(O) Health 2.0 sees the future of healthcare innovation in collaboration, by Laura Lovett, http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/health-20-sees-future-healthcare-innovation-collaboration
(P) Amazon’s early impact on health care, by David Bottoms, http://www.mdjonline.com/cobb_business_journal/amazon-s-early-impact-on-health-care/article_06e8141a-1d81-11e8-85c8-5b11d94855e4.html
(Q) Eric Schmidt lays out formula for healthcare innovation, by Tom Sullivan, http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/eric-schmidt-lays-out-formula-healthcare-innovation
(R) When AI will start to disrupt health care, by Sam Baker, https://www.axios.com/artificial-intelligence-disrupt-health-care-b879abb2-af8c-45c8-a65c-ef5d82471850.html
(S) A smart toilet may be the future of IoT healthcare, by Dan Patterson, https://www.techrepublic.com/article/a-smart-toilet-may-be-the-future-of-iot-healthcare/
(T) A startup is pitching a mind-uploading service that is “100 percent fatal”, by Antonio Regalado, https://www.technologyreview.com/s/610456/a-startup-is-pitching-a-mind-uploading-service-that-is-100-percent-fatal/
https://doctordidyouwashyourhands.com Doctor, Did You Wash Your Hands?™
My name is Jonathan Metsch and I would like to share my Career Capstone Project with you.
I taught full time in the Baruch MBA in Health Care Administration program from 1972 to 1975, then was a health care administrator for over thirty years, finishing for seventeen years as President & CEO of LibertyHealth/ Jersey City Medical Center, where we built a replacement safety-net hospital (it took 15 years), played a key role on September 11th, 2001, and while we had many successes, we learned much more from our failures.
After retiring from LibertyHealth, I returned to my academic roots in the Baruch program for four years as Adjunct Professor. And started writing case studies. Health care disruption is so complex that there are few, if any, up-to-date case studies. So I developed a method of contemporaneous cases studies each developed by curating news articles into a coherent thread.
Here’s how to take a test ride:
Go to my web site https://doctordidyouwashyourhands.com Doctor, Did You Wash Your Hands?™
Then on the top of the home page click on the category TRANSFORMATION
And you will find six posts on Health Care Disruption which together comprise a yet ongoing case study.
Similarly if you click on ObamaCare/ TrumpCare you will find fifty plus posts together tracking the legislative history of Repeal and Place.
And then you can click on Opioid Crisis and see that case study.
Finally you can scroll through the 150+ posts and see mini case studies on a variety of topics.
Coming soon will be cases on “Right to Try” and the cost of prescription drug/ generic drugs.
You are welcome to use any of the content on the web site, using hyperlinks (with attribution please)!
And I would appreciate your comments [email protected]
If you would like to share your case studies I will be happy to post them on my web site.
Jonathan M. Metsch, Dr.P.H.
Clinical Professor, Environmental Medicine and Public Health, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Adjunct Professor, Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration & Rutgers School of Public Health
Faculty Affiliate (formerly Adjunct Professor), Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, C.U.N.Y.
“Speaking at the Federation of American Hospitals convention in D.C., Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar laid out a series of actions the administration will take that are aimed at lowering health care costs, and warned that it wouldn’t be deterred by powerful special interests.
“Today is an opportunity to let everyone know that we take these shifts seriously, and they’re going to happen — one way or another,” Azar said. “The administration and this president are not interested in incremental steps. We are unafraid of disrupting existing arrangements simply because they’re backed by powerful special interests.”
The administration will make it easier for patients to access their health records, encourage health providers to be more transparent about costs of procedures and services and remove regulations that “impede” innovation. HHS will also “experiment” with payment models in Medicare and Medicaid to “drive value and quality,” he said…
“But there is no turning back to an unsustainable system that pays for procedures rather than value,” Azar said. “In fact, the only option is to charge forward — for HHS to take bolder action and for providers and payers to join with us.” (A)
“In his keynote, Webb first noted the importance of taking disparate data sets in healthcare and turning them into actionable insights that can be used to improve patient care or the patient experience. Webb, who also is the author of The Innovation Playbook, The Digital Innovation Playbook and the best-seller What Customers Crave, contended that there are four pillars of disruption in healthcare: consumerization; disruptive innovation; connection architecture; and economic models. “These pillars will impact everything about your business in the next six years. We used to believe that change was a linear curve, and we are [misled] in believing that change is linear. But it’s not; change is explosive,” said Webb, adding that the depth and speed of change could “sink” some healthcare organizations.
To this end, Webb said that his firm recently interviewed some 130 healthcare executives, asking them on a scale of 1 to 10, how important disruption is to their organization. Amazingly, Webb reported, every single person who was interviewed responded that disruption ranked a “10 out of 10” in importance.
But perhaps just as noteworthy, the executives were then asked to explain what disruption meant—and not a single person was able to do so clearly, Webb said. “Disruption is like a unicorn in [the sense] that nothing too weird has happened yet,” he said. Explaining further, Webb attested that breakthrough innovations are certainly occurring right now in healthcare, but he feels that isn’t the same as disruption. “Disruption means destruction. We are destroying clinical models and patient relationships and replacing it with betterness ran by three things: connection architecture, consumerization and disruption,” he said.” (B)
“Some of the biggest and most famous brands in America are making big bets on health care. The blue chips of Silicon Valley — Amazon, Apple, Google, Uber — have announced in the past few weeks they’re interested in disrupting an industry that has bedeviled us with rising costs and inefficiencies for decades.
Amazon is setting up a mysterious new partnership with JPMorgan Chase and Warren Buffett. Apple is planning a line of (surely sleek and minimalist) medical clinics. Google’s sibling under the umbrella company Alphabet, Verily, is looking at the Medicaid market. Uber wants to disrupt ambulances.
It is way, way, way too early to start imagining a world where health care is truly owned by Big Tech — you order prescription drugs with your Amazon Prime account, see a nurse at the Apple Clinic, get your benefits statements from Google, and call an Uber instead of an ambulance when you need to go to the hospital.
But something is happening here. The most proven, forward-thinking, and, dare I say, disruptive companies in our country have decided health care should be their next big move. They see a system rife with administrative inefficiencies, opaque prices, and customer dissatisfaction. In other words, a huge opportunity.” (C)
“The challenge inherent in building a system that involves healthcare stakeholders—care providers, payers and healthcare consumers—is deciding which areas should be influenced. A unified healthcare ecosystem, however, has but one purpose—to deliver the best, most effective and appropriate care in a cost-effective way to the patient.
Even with today’s many technologies, getting there won’t happen in a day, a month or even a year. It won’t occur by using a single methodology or solitary technology. Interoperability is needed across all healthcare stakeholders to effectively plan, execute and pay for services. The ability to view clinical data internally is deemed extremely important by 70 percent of healthcare executives, and 50 percent of those executives say it’s extremely important to view clinical data externally, according to a new HFMA report. Today, unfortunately, most systems don’t have the ability to talk to one another, which is why it’s so important to support the digital transformation of healthcare.
An effective way to accomplish this imposing task is by converting medical practices to fully digital organizations with the ability to accept and manage financial risk, integrate disparate software systems to improve efficiencies, build value-based care programs and optimize the entire revenue cycle.”…
Making the digital transformation won’t be easy, and most providers will benefit from outside assistance. Organizations that make the successful transitions will be well-positioned after they achieve digital transformation.” (D)
“Organizations need to understand what the umbrella term of AI includes and what to look for in different infrastructure tools that include AI technology. Some tools may contain different AI methods to achieve a certain goal…
IA was created to emulate the human mind and working processes, and can independently solve problems without needing to be programmed to do so. AI can accept new information and learn from it without human intervention.
The computing power behind AI allows it to process information exponentially faster than a human could, fixing problems or drawing conclusions that the human mind would never be able to achieve.
Gartner described AI as applications including autonomous vehicles, automatic speech recognition and generation, and detecting novel concepts and abstractions. Detecting concepts and abstractions is useful for detecting potential new risks and aiding humans to quickly understand very large bodies of ever-changing information.
The potential for AI in healthcare is vast and the technology can be applied from the infrastructure level all the way through treating patients.
“This radical transformation is already underway and is occurring as a response to the increasingly menacing nature of unknown threats and multiplicity of threat agents,”
“Analytics is another example of a patient facing use of AI in healthcare, especially when it comes to using images for diagnostics.
A computer with AI can look at an image of a healthy brain scan and an image of a brain scan with tumors. The device could then recognize the difference between the two images by breaking them down into machine-readable patterns.
The machine can remember and reference these patterns then apply them to future images to determine which patterns indicate that a brain tumor is present.” (E)
“In an environment where consumers are constantly expanding the use of technology in all areas of their lives, healthcare providers are also shifting their services to meet these customer needs. One such way has been virtual care, which has proven effective as a means to expand access and bring greater convenience, while providing quality care and reducing costs.
Virtual care helps increase the efficacy of both in-home and facility-provided management of acute and chronic diseases, promoting efficiency in clinical decision making and treatment recommendations. Technology is not a substitute for excellent clinical care; rather it is a tool which serves to enhance communication and collaboration, ultimately benefiting patients, particularly those in rural and underserved areas.
Virtual care services range from a patient at home interacting with a distant provider for a medical consultation, to the remote monitoring of a patient at home with chronic disease in order to prevent exacerbations, to patients in a hospital or at other facility, who require a specialty clinical consult. Patients can connect via their devices – smartphones, laptops, desktops, etc. – for “on-demand” medical consultation services in areas including urgent care, behavioral and mental health, and other cases with real-time clinical video interaction, often decreasing time and travel for patients.” (F)
“The term innovation loses so much meaning, and one of the meanings that it gets is ‘It’s innovation if it uses products designed by Apple,’” David Asch, MD, executive director at the Penn Medicine Center for Health Care Innovation, said in his keynote address. “Many of us love Apple products because of the design, but I’ve heard too many people say ‘We’re doing innovation because we’re using iPads.’”
Even outside of Apple, the assumption that all innovation needs to be technological is a problematic one.
“I think technology for technology’s sake is a mistake,” Luis Castillo, president and CEO of Ensocare, said on a leadership panel. “If you’re automating a bad process it’s still a bad process.”
Instead, Asch said, innovation needs to be undertaken the way hospitals take on research.
“Innovation is like research,” he said. “It’s hypothesis-driven, it’s falsifiable and it’s highly disciplined.”
One problem that many organizations have innovating is they don’t recognize that step one is to identify the problem.
“Often we are solving for the wrong problem, and if we solved for the right problem we might be in a better position to address our customers’ needs,” Asch said. “Until you identify the problem you fundamentally want to solve, you can innovate in the wrong direction.” (G)
“Regarding recent reports on plans for Amazon, JPMorgan Chase, and Berkshire Hathaway to create a new health care company: Kudos to Jeff Bezos, Jamie Dimon, and Warren Buffett for stepping forward to take on the bloated US health care system.
The challenges are clear: administrative waste, unnecessary treatment, monopoly pricing, inequitable access, and often lousy quality. Less obvious is how to address them.
A good start would be to question widely held assumptions: that current treatments — including drugs — all have been proven safe and effective (safe, maybe; effective, no); that physicians can tell you what’s best for you (they can, but only if they know what is important to you); or that more medical care is always better (it’s not).”
The system is ripe for disruption and new thinking. But it will take a fearless commitment to keeping patients at the center and the profiteers at bay.” (H)
“Organizations with existing innovation centers, and those considering developing them, should consider the following actions which can head off or, at least, reduce the drag on innovation these challenges pose:
– Identify a specific purpose that unifies efforts and engage only in activities which forward it.
– Create forums for project contributors to learn about varying approaches to problem-solving.
– Develop stakeholder co-creation methods and tools which ensure maximum engagement amidst resource constraints.
– Enlist project managers and ensure clear roles and responsibilities for all center employees.
– Set project budgets and scope design projects at the outset to align with funding size and horizons.
– Establish clear initial operational and performance metrics such as percent of innovation concepts expected to be implemented, number of clinicians and patients involved in co-creation processes, types of IP generated, and stage-gated timelines.
– Be prepared to revise metrics as the center evolves and celebrate small wins.” (I)
BIG TECH HAS a lot of problems: fake news, sexual harassment, Russian interference, privacy concerns, and growing fears that too much screen time rots your brain. But even as they struggle to solve these day-to-day problems, the industry’s biggest players are putting more resources into another notoriously hard problem: health care….
Tech companies like Apple are known for creating products that people love. It’s easy to picture the industry creating a better health care experience for patients, and Apple is already hard at work designing new health products and finding new applications for its existing products. It’s researching ways to monitor blood sugar non-invasively and is working with Stanford University to test whether the Apple Watch could screen for irregular heart rhythms. This week, CNBC reported that the company will use new on-campus clinics for employees to test new health products…
The problem is that it’s not enough to just make products that patients love. The products also need to be used by doctors, nurses, and administrators. For example, a company could create a great app for letting patients share their medical data with their doctors. But if the doctor can’t access the data through software approved by her clinic, it won’t help patients. Another problem: if doctors can’t easily track or bill for their time, they may not want to use an innovative app.” (J)
“The odds: Bezos, Buffett and Dimon are big names — big as they come — but the history of health care is littered with business titans who have declared war on health care costs. Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase may be able to get their own costs down, but that doesn’t mean they can do it for anyone else…
The big picture: Health care costs are not one problem but many: national health care spending, federal health care spending, employer premiums, out-of-pocket costs, and the value of the dollars spent. Each has different constituencies who care about them, requiring different solutions presenting different challenges…
Reducing national health spending is a different goal. What distinguishes the level of GDP we spend on health from other countries is primarily the prices we pay for everything in health care, not the volume or intensity of services we provide. These companies might make a small dent in the prices they pay, but as big as they are, they will not have the leverage to do much beyond that…
What to watch: Perhaps other employers will try to emulate them or buy into whatever they do, but they could be successful and still have almost no impact on national health spending, federal spending, or consumer out of pocket costs.
Nor will they be immune from the forces that have hampered previous efforts. Health coverage is a popular benefit and an important part of any employer’s wage structure; they will go only so far to “disrupt” it…
As intriguing as the recent announcement is, experience suggests keeping it in perspective. (K)
“According to a recent report from Moody’s Investors Services, both for-profit and nonprofit hospitals will face a new threat in the form of greater competition, volume losses and weakened margins as commercial health insurers aggressively continue pursuing growth strategies to reduce cost and increase efficiency.
The ratings agency cites a rise in the acquisition and expansion of outpatient and post-acute services by insurance companies as examples of the increased competition. The result of this trend will be a shifting of patients away from hospital settings and toward lower-cost outpatient settings, reducing hospital volumes and placing future margins at risk.
Moody’s discussed several of the large insurance industry deals announced in recent months, including the plan to merge Aetna (the nation’s third-largest health insurer) and CVS (the biggest drugstore chain). If successful, the new entity will be able to direct members to its own provider sites and shift more care away from hospitals. Further, the new entity would expand on its services. CVS already operates clinics within its retail pharmacies that provide blood drawing and diabetes care.
The report also referenced transactions such as plans by UnitedHealth Group’s Optum to acquire DaVita Medical Group, one of the nation’s largest independent physician groups. Optum has a legitimate presence in six states and owns physician groups in six other states, including New Jersey.
“As Optum and health insurers attempt to move to value-based payment models that emphasize quality over quantity of care, hospitals will see even less volume,” a Moody’s executive stated.
The agency believes that Optum is in a good position to adopt full-risk, value-based contracts since it has many contracts with managed care clients. A physician-centric, full-risk model would give physicians control of the full premium dollar and expenses, instead of hospitals.
“Beyond being vulnerable to losing market share because of potentially being carved out of contract provider networks, hospitals face the risk that insurers will move more quickly to population-based, full-risk contracts.” (L)
“Regarding “The Future of Hospitals” (Journal Report, Feb. 26), hospitals of the future must move health care from the expensive, inefficient and inequitable model we have now to one that truly empowers consumers to manage their own health, wherever they are. We also need to reimagine the roles clinicians will play in the future. While health systems focus on bringing care to patients, instead of patients to care, we must also select and foster doctors to embrace technology, collaborate across disciplines and deliver care with empathy rather than automaticity. Artificial intelligence will provide an opportunity to let the robots be robots. Meanwhile, doctors must be the humans in the room, regardless of where that room is located, or even if it’s virtual.” (M)
“A dentist office for employees in 1919 at the Lord & Taylor store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. In the 19th century, many department stores started providing worker benefits that included health clinics, exercise rooms and libraries.
Who knew? But yes, The New York Times reported in 1904 that “small hospital wards are the latest features among the comforts and conveniences of the shops in a big city.”
Long before the announcement in January of a new employee health care partnership among Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase & Company, America’s department stores, led by John Wanamaker, were introducing an array of free worker welfare benefits — innovations that were sometimes called Industrial Paternalism. Ill or injured patrons were also accommodated.
The initiatives quickly spread to Lord & Taylor, Macy’s, Saks & Company, Bloomingdale’s, B. Altman & Co., Jordan Marsh and other shopping emporiums whose names have passed into mercantile heaven.
The long-forgotten history emerges from articles in newspapers, journals and trade publications and photo archives at the Museum of the City of New York.
Common store services for employees, according to The Times, included pharmacies and emergency rooms to set broken limbs, perform surgery and deliver babies, employee-only lunchrooms, academic and vocational classrooms, sun lounges, vacation camps, libraries, parlors stocked with fine stationery and maid-attended bathrooms with combs and brushes, curling irons, weighing machines and “shoe-blacking damsels.
So Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett and Jamie Dimon may be onto something with plans for an independent health care company for the U.S. employees of Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase. Welcome, gentlemen, to the 19th century.” (N)
“Health care is incredibly backward in its use of information and consumer technologies, so it seems ripe for disruption. And, there’s just a lot of damn money in health care,” Levitt said. “There is a potential convergence going on now. Electronic medical records, mobile phones, and wearables have achieved widespread adoption, creating new opportunities.”
It’s way too soon to know where any of this is going. It could be nowhere: Google and Microsoft have talked for years about breaking into health care, with little to show for it so far. Some of these ventures are more theories than concrete plans at this point.
But it’s still worth watching. Because if any industry is in dire need of disruption, it’s American health care.” (C)
(A) Trump’s health chief warns hospital execs about health care costs: ‘Change is coming’, by JESSIE HELLMANN, http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/376789-trumps-health-chief-warns-hospital-execs-about-health-care-costs-change-is
(B) Healthcare Innovators Dig Deep on Disruption, Digital Medicine at HIMSS18, by Rajiv Leventhal, https://www.healthcare-informatics.com/article/innovation/healthcare-innovators-dig-deep-disruption-digital-medicine-himss18
(C) Why Apple, Amazon, and Google are making big health care moves, by Dylan Scott, https://www.vox.com/technology/2018/3/6/17071750/amazon-health-care-apple-google-uber
(D) HIT Think Why digital transformation is crucial for healthcare providers, by Joel Gleason, https://www.healthdatamanagement.com/opinion/why-digital-transformation-will-become-crucial-in-healthcare
(E) How Artificial Intelligence Can Shape Health IT Infrastructure, by Elizabeth O’Dowd, https://hitinfrastructure.com/news/how-artificial-intelligence-can-shape-health-it-infrastructure
(F) Virtual care is transforming our healthcare system one visit at a time, by Anthony R. Tersigni, https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/hospital-management-administration/dr-anthony-tersigni-virtual-care-is-transforming-our-healthcare-system-one-visit-at-a-time.html
(G) Innovation is much more than just using new tech, by Jonah Comstock, http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/innovation-much-more-just-using-new-tech
(H) Disrupting health care? Check your assumptions at the door, by Michael A. Cohen, https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/letters/2018/03/02/disrupting-health-care-check-your-assumptions-door/sd5cmiPRJCBIVaHNIttIHM/story.html
(I) Putting Humans at the Center of Health Care Innovation, by Yasser Bhatti,Jacqueline del Castillo, Kristian, and OlsonAra Darzi, https://hbr.org/2018/03/putting-humans-at-the-center-of-health-care-innovation
(J) EMBATTLED TECH COMPANIES CHARGE DEEPER INTO HEALTH CARE, by LINT FINLEY, https://www.wired.com/story/embattled-tech-companies-charge-deeper-into-health-care/
(K) Don’t overhype the new health care venture, by Drew Altman, https://www.axios.com/dont-overhype-new-health-care-venture-88b62e53-f56b-4a5e-8ba9-c96266902747.html
(L) Moody’s: Insurers’ Disruptive Growth Strategies Pose Threat to Hospitals, NJHA Newslink, March 5, 2018
(M) Prescriptions for the Hospitals of the Future, Stephen K. Klasko, https://www.wsj.com/articles/prescriptions-for-the-hospitals-of-the-future-1520183980
(N) Attention 1916 Shoppers: The Doctor Is In, by RALPH BLUMENTHAL and SANDRA ROFF, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/04/nyregion/in-health-care-for-employees-department-stores-pioneered.html
“Hospitals are disappearing. While they may never completely go away, they will continue to shrink in number and importance….” (A)
“What do Ashton Kutcher(Airbnb), Donald Trump and Travis Kalanick (Uber) have in common? They recognized an opportunity and used it to their advantage. That trend: disintermediation—the opportunity to deliver a product or service to a consumer with higher perceived value than an incumbent’s by changing the fundamental way it is delivered…
Disintermediation is impacting every industry in our economy. Netflix put an end to Blockbuster’s fortune. Amazon and eBay disintermediated traditional retailing. And Instacart, Zirx, PostMates, Caviar, Taskrabbit and others hope to become established names in the fast-growing peer-to-peer economy that served 90 million Americans (44% of U.S. adults) last year.
What do successful disintermediators have in common? There appear to be four shared attributes:
They see unnecessary costs or unnecessary wrinkles in the traditional ways companies do business. They get rid of unnecesssary layers that incumbents view as “essential” and do business a new way.
They leverage online technologies to enhance access and use by their customers.
They are not afraid of retaliation by traditional incumbents. They play long-ball with the support of their investors and boards who see a new marketplace others don’t.
They relentlessly measure and monitor their own performance to maintain a strong value proposition for their customers. They do not believe their own publicity knowing they’re being chased by look-alikes wishing to ride the coattails of their success.
More than consolidation and the Affordable Care Act, disintermediation is the single greatest catalyst for change in the health system….” (B)
“The economic term for what’s happening in retailing is disintermediation—the removal of middlemen from a supply chain or a series of transactions.
Healthcare providers are experiencing their own disintermediation moment. Advancing technology and the growing ability of payers and patients to instantly access information electronically is transforming nearly every corner of healthcare.
The practice of radiology is probably farthest along the disintermediation road. Highly trained radiologists traditionally supervised imaging, interpreted the results and offered advice to the physician who ordered the image.
Today, physicians are using handheld ultrasound devices and loading images into picture archiving and communications systems that can be read anywhere by anyone at any time. Their consulting radiologist may be laboring over a computer screen in Bangalore…
But for providers, it means disintermediation may soon reach a tipping point where once reliable revenue streams have been mostly siphoned away. As in retailing, not all will survive.” (C)
“Triumphant in online retail, cloud computing, organic groceries, and streaming television, Amazon founder and chief disruptor Jeff Bezos is turning his seemingly limitless ambition to health care.
Amazon, launched as an Internet bookseller nearly 24 years ago, has branched into offerings including voice-commanded speakers infused with Alexa artificial intelligence and original TV shows streamed online at its Prime subscription service.
Health care now appears ripe for Bezos, who has earned a reputation for attacking high costs and inefficiencies…
“He has identified a market that is ready for disruption. The healthcare system in the US is ripe for reform.”
Bezos faces the challenge of taming skyrocketing costs throughout US health care from insurance and medicine to supplies and therapy.
“Just as with every other industry Amazon has entered, Bezos is envisioning lower-priced alternatives with frictionless services that could, over time, make a lot of money for Amazon,” Orsini said.
Barclays analysts said in a recent research note on Amazon’s potential in health care, “We are never dismissive of anything disruptive that Amazon is involved in. Amazon arguable has the best technical abilities of any company we cover.”..
Amazon’s pattern of success has caused fear to ripple through sectors it eyes.
When Amazon last year made the surprise buy of Whole Foods, shares sank of major retail chains Wal-Mart and Target.
S&P Global Ratings said in a research note that Amazon “has brought price transparency and convenience to many retail segments,” while shifting consumer expectations, thus creating problems for rivals.” (D)
“Amazon has made a science of cutting out the middleman, eliminating many of the brick and mortar stores that offered similar goods to the internet giant. While there may be good reason to mourn the loss of mom-and-pop bookstores, stores that suffered in the Amazon era, I can find no cause for sympathy for Walgreens and CVS. Pharmaceutical dispensaries such as these are likely to be cut out of a new health care model, with lower costs passed on to the patients themselves. But should you find yourself feeling a twinge of remorse for CEO Larry Merlo of CVS, who took home a cool 18 million dollars in salary last year, no doubt a charity can be established in his name to benefit struggling CEOs.” (E)
“Amazon, Berkshire and JPMorgan can perhaps rope themselves off from this for-profit ecosystem and deliver better, faster and cheaper healthcare for their employees, especially with appropriate subsidies. In other words, if Amazon, Berkshire and JPMorgan behave like the US Federal Government performs in the Obamacare marketplace, it could work. If they stay inside their own ropes, it could stop there. But if the number of covered lives increases to twenty or thirty million, all bets are off. Can it work? Yes. They need to (1) swerve past the huge cash cow in the road (and free up most of that cash for reinvestment back into the network), (2) focus initially on themselves and then (3) enlist other companies and providers into their network. As the network adds other companies (and covered lives) – they will build bargaining power they can leverage. But unless they acquire some meaningful scale, they will never defeat the (profit) force that defines and dominates the US healthcare market. At the end of the day, their joint effort is about a rapid technology-driven demonstrations followed by immediate, incentivized expansion. ..With scale, the Consortium can bargain and reward; without it, the Consortium becomes a self-funded boutique with three customers.” (F)
“Amazon is attempting to transform its medical products business into a major supplier to U.S. hospitals and outpatient clinics that could compete with large distributors. Amazon has reportedly met with hospital executives on several occasions, most recently in late January, to discuss an expansion of its business-to-business marketplace, Amazon Business, into one where hospitals could shop to stock outpatient locations, operating suites, and emergency rooms. Amazon Business already sells a limited selection of medical supplies. The company recently sent employees to a large Midwestern hospital system, where officials are testing whether they can use Amazon Business to order health supplies for the system’s approximately 150 outpatient facilities. The pilot is customized for the hospital system’s catalog of supplies, according to a hospital official overseeing the efforts, allowing employees to compare prices the system negotiates with its distributors against those in the Amazon Business marketplace. Amazon said it is building technology to serve health care customers, and seeking to sell hospitals on a “marketplace concept” that differs from typical hospital purchasing, which is conducted through contracts with distributors and manufacturers. So far, some hospitals have been reluctant to buy supplies from Amazon Business, for reasons including lack of options and lack of control over purchases and shipping, which hospitals closely safeguard to ensure prompt arrival of goods.” (G)
“Deepening its move into healthcare, Amazon is pushing to turn its developing medical supplies business into a major supplier to U.S. hospitals and outpatient clinics, reports The Wall Street Journal…
“1. Amazon Business, the company’s separate business-to-business marketplace, already sells a limited selection of medical supplies — ranging from sutures to hip implants — as well as industrial supplies and office supplies. However, Amazon is hoping to expand this marketplace into one where hospitals could shop to stock emergency rooms, operating suites and outpatient facilities…
3. Recently, Amazon Business sent employees to a large hospital system in the Midwest with roughly 150 outpatient facilities to test Amazon Business as a medical supplier. Essentially, the pilot is testing if the system can effectively order healthcare supplies for all of its facilities. The pilot is customized for the healthcare system’s catalog of supplies and allows employees to compare prices the hospital negotiates with its distributors and the supplies in Amazon Business’ marketplace…
5. Over the past year, Amazon slowly acquired more than 10 wholesale pharmacy licenses from state pharmaceutical boards. The licenses are held in Alabama, Arizona, Connecticut, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon and Tennessee. These licenses are necessary for selling medical equipment to licensed professionals…” (H)
“The online retailer’s plan to enter the hospital supply chain could bring major cost savings for hospitals.
Hospital CFOs are likely to welcome the most recent foray from Amazon into the healthcare market, as it should lead to lower supply costs, second only to labor as a major cost center, an investment banking analyst says.
Distributing medical supplies is so closely aligned with what Amazon already does on a huge scale that this new project is almost certain to threaten existing medical suppliers and distributors, with hospitals and health systems reaping the rewards…
On the heels of announcing a new health plan, Amazon is now looking to become a major supplier of medical products to U.S. hospitals and outpatient clinics, competing directly with suppliers such as McKesson, Cardinal Health, and Owens & Minor, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal.
The move on healthcare’s supply chain seems to bear out analysts’ predictions that Amazon’s threat to shake up the health insurance industry might be only the first step in tearing down other healthcare silos as well.
The company’s entrance into the medical supply chain could bring “massive change,” says W. Robert Friedman Jr., managing director in the healthcare practice of Dresner Partners Investment Banking.
“Hospitals are under tremendous financial pressure due to the reduction in Medicare rates and Medicaid. The major expense for hospitals is the cost of labor but supply is right behind it as a big percentage of their core operations,” Friedman says. “If hospitals can order directly from Amazon, which then ships directly to their distribution outlets, this would be a major transformation in the distribution component of the healthcare industry.” (I)
“Is Amazon about to do to orthopedic device makers and distributors what it did to retail goods?
The report that Amazon has been holding meetings with hospital execs to learn about their needs caused the stocks for companies like Cardinal Health, Inc. and Owens & Minor, Inc. that distribute medical supplies to tumble.
Who Is Threatened?
The threat of Amazon becoming a supplier shouldn’t be a cause for alarm for medical device manufacturers, according to Needham & Company, LLC analyst Mike Matson.
Amazon, in effect, wants to be the new middle man between manufacturers and hospital in a period of disintermediation in healthcare….
Matson writes that Amazon has typically disrupted middlemen much more than manufacturers. In his view, Amazon’s model “may work for ‘lower tech’ products but is unlikely to work with ‘higher tech’ products.” He believes that Amazon, “would simply represent another distribution channel for lower tech products. And with med tech pricing already under pressure, we don’t expect this to intensify with Amazon’s entry.” (J)
“Amazon sells branded over-the-counter medications such as Advil, Mucinex and Nicorette as well as options from Perrigo’s generic GoodSense brand.
Basic Care, Amazon’s recently launched exclusive line of Perrigo OTC health products, is a possible challenge to pharmacy retail chains.
CVS Health, Walgreens Boots Alliance and Rite Aid are losing traffic as people shop for OTC products online, including on Amazon.
Amazon has quietly launched an exclusive line of over-the-counter health products in a possible challenge to pharmacy retail chains that could spark a price war and put pressure on store-brand profit margins.
Technically, the company doesn’t own these products, which are produced by private-label manufacturer Perrigo, but it does put Amazon in a position to squeeze other retailers. The e-commerce giant launched the Basic Care line in August, including 60 products ranging from ibuprofen to hair regrowth treatment.
Pharmacies make money when people walk in looking to grab medicine and end up buying cosmetics and other goods. They’re already losing traffic as people shop for those products online, including on Amazon. Giving them another possible reason to skip the store could hurt even more.
“It’s a very different world, and having Amazon jump in is not a good sign for existing brands, either branded or private label, because the way Amazon works is its ability to take on unprofitable ventures for a time to see how things go,” said Matthew Oster, head of consumer health research at global market research firm Euromonitor International.
“And the fact they have a near monopoly in e-commerce gives them a lot of scale that can allow them to undercut price. So that aspect should be concerning for whoever their competitors are in that space,” he said.” (K)
“…Don’t get too excited. Not even a company as crafty as Amazon, or a bot as all-knowing as Alexa, can fix our nonsensical health care system.
The problem with America’s largely employer-based health insurance system for workers is not something these companies can necessarily fix. The problem is that its basic architecture is upside-down.
The health care system has neither market economics nor budgets to contain costs, so prices go up willy-nilly. To make matters worse, as most working Americans get their coverage through employers, they are forced to re-enroll each time they switch jobs — something people do at least 10 times by the time they are 50, according to the Labor Department, or their employers switch health plans. All of this hurts patients by disrupting the continuity of care and promoting unnecessary doctor-switching.
At the heart of America’s system is the central feature of patient and provider conspiring to spend what is mostly other people’s money. Though that is not unique to America, what is unique is that those other people have virtually no power to set limits.
While providers, such as hospitals and drug companies, often have monopoly or near-monopoly powers, the people who foot the bill are fragmented into thousands of insurance pools run by dozens of insurance companies, all but one of which — UnitedHealth Group — has a national market share in the single digits.
That’s why prices keep going up at rates well above inflation. It’s not a fair fight.
The three companies — particularly Amazon — are known for their ability to disrupt industries. But in health care, they aren’t up against an old-school industry fallen behind the times; they’re facing powerful monopolies or near-monopolies brimming with technology of their own.” (L)
“Blueshift Research thinks Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) has the potential to disrupt traditional Rx and medical and dental supply sales and distribution channels in as little as six months if it was to acquire a supply distributor, a mail order pharmacy, or a PBM.
They said a full disruption from Amazon would take two years, however, disruption of the medical and dental supply channels will be much faster due to their higher profit margins and fewer regulatory requirements.” (M)
“The prospect for escalating disintermediation in our industry seems certain. Conditions are ripe. Business schools use case studies to show how incumbent organizations facing disintermediation transformed themselves. In each, the organization was guided by data and facts about their market, reputation, performance, and positioning. They are led by visionary CEOs that see the future and a small team of competent managers focused on execution. They make bold changes with the support of their boards and take friendly fire from insiders threatened by loss of control or change. And they make some mistakes along the way.
Is healthcare ripe for disintermediation? Clearly yes. But are our leaders and boards ready? That’s to be determined. And lest we forget, it’s the consumer, our patients, who will be the ultimate judge of their success and our responses.”(B)
“The burgeoning collaboration between Amazon, JPMorgan Chase and Berkshire Hathaway seeking to transform the American health care system is long on ambition and short on details.
By their own admission, the companies are stepping up to the plate without much experience playing the game, which could easily translate into a swift strikeout.
Any prediction about the alliance’s plans must glean insight from Amazon’s success, which has been based on removing entire layers of product sales and distribution and adopting new ways of thinking. That’s caused massive disruption in the retail and tech industries.
With retail, Bezos refused to travel the well-worn path established by leaders in the business. Victims that failed to adapt, such as bookstore chain Borders, are gone. Others, such as Sears, are teetering.
The lesson for health care? The system you know today won’t necessarily exist in its current form for much longer if Bezos, Buffett and Dimon get their way.
To shake up health care, “it takes bold thinking on the part of thought leaders who are willing to go out there and stake a claim that they will be able to do something grand,” said Jean Abraham, a health care administration professor at the University of Minnesota and former senior economist on health issues for the White House Council of Economic Advisers.” (N))
“Hospitals will also continue consolidating into huge, multihospital systems. They say that this will generate cost savings that can be passed along to patients, but in fact, the opposite happens. The mergers create local monopolies that raise prices to counter the decreased revenue from fewer occupied beds. Federal antitrust regulators must be more vigorous in opposing such mergers…
As these trends accelerate, many of today’s hospitals will downsize, merge or close. Others will convert to doctors’ offices or outpatient clinics. Those that remain will be devoted to emergency rooms, high-tech services for premature babies, patients requiring brain surgery and organ transplants, and the like. Meanwhile, the nearly one billion annual visits to physicians’ offices, imaging facilities, surgical centers, urgent-care centers and “doc in the box” clinics will grow.
Special interests in the hospital business aren’t going to like this. They will lobby for higher hospital payments from the government and insurers and for other preferential treatment, often arguing that we need to retain the “good” jobs hospitals offer. But this is disingenuous; the shift of medical services out of hospitals will create other good jobs — for home nurses, community health care workers and staff at outpatient centers.” (A)
(A) Are Hospitals Becoming Obsolete?, b EZEKIEL J. EMANUEL, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/25/opinion/hospitals-becoming-obsolete.html
(B) Is Health care Ripe for Disintermediation?, by PAUL KECKLY, http://thehealthcareblog.com/blog/2016/01/19/is-health-care-ripe-for-disintermediation/
(C) Editorial: Healthcare disintermediation heads for a tipping point, by Merrill Goozner, http://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20170811/NEWS/170819983
(D) After stunning growth streak, Amazon ambitions seem boundless, https://borneobulletin.com.bn/after-stunning-growth-streak-amazon-ambitions-seem-boundless/
(E) How Amazon Could Succeed in Overturning the Old Healthcare Model, by Aaron Krumins, https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/264130-amazon-succeed-overturning-old-healthcare-model
(F) Amazon, Berkshire & JPMorgan Can Fix Healthcare With Technology – And By Studying Winners, by Steve Andriole, https://www.forbes.com/sites/steveandriole/2018/02/19/amazon-berkshire-jpmorgan-can-fix-healthcare-with-technology-and-by-studying-winners/#1db71ab63a02
(G) Amazon’s latest ambition: To be a major hospital supplier, http://www.pharmacist.com/article/amazons-latest-ambition-be-major-hospital-supplier
(H) Amazon pushes to become a major hospital supplier: 7 things to know, by Alia Paavola, https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/supply-chain/amazon-pushes-to-become-a-major-hospital-supplier-7-things-to-know.html
(I) Supply Chain Is Natural Step for Amazon, Potential Boon for CFOs, by Gregory A. Freeman, http://www.healthleadersmedia.com/finance/supply-chain-natural-step-amazon-potential-boon-cfos
(J) AMAZON, ORTHOPEDICS AND DISTRIBUTION DISRUPTION, by Walter Eisner, https://ryortho.com/breaking/amazon-orthopedics-and-distribution-disruption/
(K) Amazon has quietly launched an exclusive line of over-the-counter health products, by Angelica LaVito, https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/20/amazon-has-quietly-launched-an-exclusive-line-of-over-the-counter-health-products.html
(L) Alexa, could health care be fixed?, https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/02/20/amazon-berkshire-hathaway-jpmorgan-chase-cure-editorials-debates/301127002/
(M) Amazon (AMZN) Could Disrupt U.S. Healthcare System in as Little as Six, https://www.streetinsider.com/dr/news.php?id=13850015&gfv=1
(N) How Amazon, JPMorgan, Berkshire could transform American health care, by Nathan Bomey, https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2018/02/25/amazon-jpmorgan-berkshire-health-care/350625002/