PART 2. May 28, 2019. “BATTLEFIELD” MEDICINE: THE CIVIL WAR. “Many of America’s modern medical accomplishments have their roots in the legacy of America’s defining war.”

ASSIGNMENT: Profile medical advances made during World War I, World WAR II, the Korean War, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. Memorial Day 2019 From 1967 to 1970, during the Vietnam War, I served first as a 2nd Lieutenant and  Administrative Officer of the 4th Casualty Staging Flight attached to Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center, Lackland AFB

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PART 2. May 20, 2019. OUT-OF-NETWORK BILLS. Private Equity is a Driving Force Behind Devious Surprise Billings

ASSIGNMENT: Draft the principles for federal “surprise bill” legislation I thought I was a good OUT-OF-NETWORK detective and could avoid SURPRISE MEDICAL BILLS. Not so! Recently I switched physicians within a sub-specialty practice group. The first MD took my Medicare “GAP” insurance but the second did not. This lesson already cost me $1,000 versus an

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PART 2. May 13, 2019. CANDIDA AURIS. “In 30 years, I’ve never faced so tough a reporting challenge — and one so unexpected. Who wouldn’t want to talk about a fungus?…

New PART 2 after PART 1. PART 1. April16, 2019. Assignment: it ethical for the public not be notified about new “super bugs” in hospitals so they can decide whether or not to go to affected hospitals? “Last May, an elderly man was admitted to the Brooklyn branch of Mount Sinai Hospital for abdominal surgery.

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“The longer these (measles) outbreaks continue, the greater the chance measles will again get a sustained foothold in the United States.”

PART 1. April 30, 2019 PART 2. May 6, 2019. “We are getting very close to a tipping point. If (measles) cases continue to escalate, the U.S. could lose its elimination status…” Assignment: Develop a continuum of evidenced based strategies for states focusing on avoiding measles cases (22 states are already “infected”) New PART 2

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