“Wind-blown avian feces may be route of transmission for bird flu, Minnesota’s infectious disease expert warns”

By Mackenzie Lofgren.

“Dr. Michael Osterholm is a medical detective and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, or CIDRAP, at the University of Minnesota. Osterholm has nearly 50 years of investigating infectious disease outbreaks and public health threats.”…
“Today, I am certain that we are seeing clouds of dust with bird feces in that, and we are beginning to see what I would consider to be almost an environmental type disease…..”
“Now that the virus has gone airborne, Osterholm believes we’re going to start seeing more and more cases in humans with no explanation for why they occurred. Meaning, people are going to get sick without even coming in contact with the infected animal.”
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“As bird flu rises, federal health agencies are halting external communications. Are we flying blind?”
by Nicole Karlis
““Similar temporary freezes were implemented during presidential transitions previously. These pauses typically allow incoming leadership to review and align agency activities with new priorities,” he said. “However lack of clarity with respect to the scope, duration and implementation — especially concerns about potential delays in critical public health information are valid.””
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How will federal health ‘black out’ affect bird flu response?
By Safia Samee Ali
“CNN reported that a follow-up memo specified the blackout is set to last through Feb. 1, and includes public speaking engagements and communications with lawmakers. Communications deemed urgent, such as recall notices or those required by law, are exempt but higher-ups must be notified.”
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