“Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator during the first Trump administration, excoriated the CDC in a CNN interview Friday morning for failing to learn the right lessons from Covid-19.”

Bird flu mutations raise fears of a broader outbreak
By Alice Miranda Ollstein

““Our No. 1 principle in preventing pandemics is detect, and if you go to the CDC website, you can see that they are monitoring more than 10,000 exposures, but they’ve only tested 530,” she said. “That means we’re not testing enough. And we know from other viruses that a lot of the spread can be asymptomatic. So we kind of have our head in the sand about how widespread this is from the zoonotic standpoint, from the animal to human standpoint.”
“Scott Gottlieb, another health policy veteran from Trump’s first administration, echoed Birx’s warning of inadequate testing in posts on X this week, writing that if H5N1 ultimately develops into a pandemic, “The U.S. will have only itself to blame.”

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