POST 126. February 11, 2021. CORONAVIRUS. “There will be more coronavirus outbreaks in the future. Bats and other mammals are rife with strains and species of this abundant family of viruses. Some of these pathogens will inevitably spill over the species barrier and cause new pandemics. It’s only a matter of time.” (A)

POST 80. November 29, 2020 Do you know which hospital is right for you if you have coronavirus? | Opinion By Jersey Journal Guest Columnist Jonathan M. Metsch With coronavirus, the hospital to which you are admitted is most likely the hospital where you will stay. We don’t have “emerging virus” hospital designations like we

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Links to POSTS 1-125

CORONAVIRUS TRACKING Links to POSTS 1-125 Doctor, Did You Wash Your Hands?® Curated Contemporaneous Case Study Methodology Jonathan M. Metsch, Dr.P.H. PART 1. January 21, 2020. CORONAVIRUS. “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday confirmed the first U.S. case of a deadly new coronavirus that has killed six people in China.” PART 2.

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POST 125. June 9, 2021. CORONAVIRUS. “States are rolling back Covid-19 restrictions as new cases trend down from record highs across the country. But experts warn it might be too much too soon as variants pose an increased risk and the pandemic… is far from over.”

to read POSTS 1-125 headlines in chronological order, highlight and click on “Experts who have spent the last year forecasting Covid-19 transmission across the US are now considering scenarios for the spread of new, more infectious strains of the coronavirus. At the same time, the US continues to lag in surveillance for coronavirus variants, despite

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Links to POSTS 1-124

CORONAVIRUS TRACKING Links to POSTS 1-124 Doctor, Did You Wash Your Hands?® Curated Contemporaneous Case Study Methodology Jonathan M. Metsch, Dr.P.H. PART 1. January 21, 2020. CORONAVIRUS. “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday confirmed the first U.S. case of a deadly new coronavirus that has killed six people in China.” PART 2.

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POST 124. February 5, 2021. CORONAVIRUS. Dr. Osterholm ” …it may be time to..go with a ‘first-dose only’ approach, so more people over the age of 65 can have at least some protection right away. He said that would require delaying second doses until this summer.” Dr.Fauci “warned against this practice, and cautioned people about “the danger” that could come with focusing only on the first dose.”

“Dr. Michael Osterholm, a University of Minnesota infectious disease expert, warned Minnesota lawmakers Wednesday about the possibility of another ‘major surge’ in COVID-19 cases, as new variants of the virus start to spread in the United States…. He said there is growing concern about the U.K. strain that is now circulating in the U.S…. “I

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POST 123. February 4, 2021. CORONAVIRUS. “Nursing homes across the country are facing the same struggle, as workers have been more reluctant than residents to be vaccinated…

“Though rates vary widely, the American Health Care Association, which represents for-profit nursing homes, estimates that about 50 percent of long-term care staff members have been hesitant to get vaccinated. The majority of direct-care workers in nursing homes are people of color, who have generally been more hesitant to get vaccinated, based in part on

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Links to POSTS 1-122

CORONAVIRUS TRACKING Links to POSTS 1-122 Doctor, Did You Wash Your Hands?® Curated Contemporaneous Case Study Methodology Jonathan M. Metsch, Dr.P.H. PART 1. January 21, 2020. CORONAVIRUS. “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday confirmed the first U.S. case of a deadly new coronavirus that has killed six people in China.” PART 2.

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